Oh god........for those of you who don't have access to all the latest spiritual food as told by the Borg, you gotta read the June 1st Watchtower.....here's a few quotes from it:
Page 1 "...Were the Flood survivors simply individuals fortunate enough to have randomly escaped destruction? The bible account shows that this was not the case. Signficantly, God did not inform each individual about the coming Flood. Rather, he told Noah who in turn warned his contemporaries of the approaching Deluge......Survival depended on being part of this close-knit group and on being willing to accept God's direction given to Noah. Even the animals in the ark that survived the Flood did not do so apart from this group." (there aren't enough eyes to roll at this stupid comment). The next paragraph is talking about when the Israelites left Egypt: ".....Deliverance was possible for individual Israelites only because they were associated with a divinely established group and followed the direction of this group's appointed leaders..." Now once you've finished vomiting, here's the real clincher: "...These examples clearly show that in the past God has always dealt with his people as an organized group. The few individuals with whom God had dealings personally--Noah, Moses, Jesus and others--were in fact used by Him to communicate with a closely associated group. There is no reason to believe that God deals any differently with his servants today."
Is it just me, or do I detect a note of panic and desperation in these statements? I guess the Governing Body is really at the last stages of Alzheimers cause they forgot to mention a few characters in the bible who Jehovah dealt with, who weren't part of any "organized group". What about Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Daniel, Job, Ruth, Sarah.........these were all individuals. None of them were "Jehovah's Witnesses". Guess the GB didn't think too hard before they wrote this nonsense.
Anyway, I'll give you three guesses as to what religion they're saying is the right one, and the first two don't count.