Did you ever experience "Joy"?

by Pork Chop 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    What killed joy was the constant background of guilt and fear, even at social gatherings that should have been joyful, not to mention that when you were in recreational situations where you could be spontaneous, there were directives from the wt rag, or from the stage on how you were supposed to act at those times. I think those over arching standards stifled joy, where it could have been. You were never free of authority that was constantly watching, grading, recording.


  • Gopher

    The public talk I gave most often was called "Serve Jehovah With A Joyful Heart". In it, we were reminded that we SHOULD be joyful because we're different than the world, and we have the opportunity to serve Jehovah and attend the Kingdom Hall ! And the song that went with the talk was called "Joyful All Day Long".

    Wow. So much JOY was being preached at us (and I participated in that preaching, BTW). It's as if you DIDN'T enjoy being a Jehovah's Witness, or were having some problems feeling enjoyment, it's due to a lack of appreciation or a spiritual weakness on your own part! You're to blame.

    If you don't ENJOY being a JW, they were going to dig the hole deeper and make you feel guilty about it. "The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves!!"

    If being a JW were really a universally enjoyable experience, they wouldn't have to tell you to enjoy it.

  • Mulan
    Did you ever experience "Joy"?

    Yeah. She's really nice and lots of fun.

  • Puternut

    Lets see,

    Five meetings a week. Preparation, Research, Field Service, Talks, Assemblies, Conventions, Sheperding Calls, Committee Meetings, Elders Meetings, Hospital Laison Committee, Kingdom Hall projects, Elders Schools, Family Study, Informal Witnessing, Rehearsals........... NO there was no time for 'joy' !!!


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Joy as in Joy2befree or Joyzabel?

    Joy have you left the room yet? Well come back, we will not say a word.


    real joy for me was and continues to be:

    my marriage and my 3 kids were the icing on the cake. realistically speaking; the marriage needs a polish now and then, like sterling silver ( keeps a wonderful shine when maintained) but the kids are like 24K, they shine no matter what.

    In hindsight; there was no joy in my life as JW kid; only angst.


  • acsot

    I remember wondering how other people of different religions could seem so happy and full of joy when they didn't have the "truth". I felt stressed out and guilty over never doing enough (even when I was a special pioneer), then I'd meet born-again Christians, Buddhists, etc. and wonder why on earth they were so happy!

    I'm much happier now!

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    YES!! Sometimes I was beaming with bright joy.The knowledge at 21 years of age in 1978 to know that i will never suffer the pangs of old age.Why look at me i need no pension plan or long term health care.YES ! I have the TRUTH!

  • nemo

    I believe your Joy in life is increased when you let go of the hate you have acquired from countless meetings about how horrible the world is, how people are awful and how you will die because you missed a meeting.

    I swear I am not bitter.....ya right!

  • BluesBrother

    Come on ! Witnesseses , I dont think so.

    Everything that is an unabashed outpouring of joy is stopped or at least frowned upon, eg, parties, rock concerts . Going to a football (soccer to some) match and seeing your team score the winning goal at the last minute.

    I know they are examples of tempory pleasure, not the deep contentment of life, but even so it is evident that the attitude is to stop enjoying yourself , in case it is a sin . it used to sadden me as an elder when people would say things like "You can't say that in front of an elder", as if I were some kind of policeman.

    Even baptisms a time when people really feel joyful , they are preceeded by formal notices not to clap, whoop or show any pleasure. Mind you , I went to Moscow in 1993 (I think). At that assembly they could not stop the outpouring of joy and jubilation , for over an hor as the candidates kept coming

  • BluesBrother

    Second thought.

    Like Gopher, I recall the Public Talk "Serve Jehovah With a Joyful Heart". One of the key points was that "Real joy" was not exuberance, but a deep daily contentment and a freedom from fear .

    Compare the dictionary.

    joy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (joi)
      1. Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
      2. The expression or manifestation of such feeling.

      A complete contrast to the WT teaching. If we took the dictionary definition , then the second fruit of the spirit is giving vent to exultant happines, at least sometimes.

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