There were times that I thought I did-when I first started studying,at my baptism, and at an international convention. But as far as at the regular weekly meetings, I don't recall any such feeling-just anxiety that I wasn't ever doing enough.
This Sunday, I attended the service at a Unitarian Universalist church. It was an intergenerational service honoring young UUs who were graduating from high school and heading off to college. The whole service was infused with joy, from the sermon to the beautiful cantata that was sung in honor of the graduates. The words for the kids were so nourishing, and the music so touching (real LIVE singing, not a tinny recording), I felt joy so strongly, it moved me to tears.It was so awesome to leave that service and cry because something made me HAPPY, after leaving the Kingdom Hall so many times in tears of frustration and grief .
One lesson I learned from being JW, was that if I EVER feel like I did in the years before I left the organisation in any religion I am involved with again, I will quit!