I was just wondering when the JW teach the world will end? cuz wasn't it supposed to be in 1914 or something?
When will the world End?
by Spooner 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yeah, something like, 1879, 1914, 1919, 1925, 1975 and 1984ish, as far as I can remember... They can just call it reinterpret it later, or blame and purge. They have ways of getting around it, tricky bastards.
hahaha thats great fun, why don't they just give up? they'll never know what year they will will dominate the world or the select few will go to heaven, great fun i think
The world will end on the day you die. It's that simple.
its always soon.. it's always we are in the last seconds of the clock before the alarm goes off..
it is always just around the corner..
The world ended in Noah's day. We are now in the Last Days and that will end too. Then there will be another end in the Millinium. And another one after that. And another one after that.........
Soon, very soon, any minute now, I think it's now, no now, no it's now. Oops, well, soon anyway.
Doubtfully Yours
Those fools have failed so many times at their predictions that they're no longer affixing a date to it.
Instead, they have catchy expressions about it being imminent. Pathetic, really.
we just missed the worlds end..most of us was gettin high and said, "ah * it, i'm outta here" =D
Lately they are saying 2034, that is not printed but it is talk amoung the wishers.