Lately they are saying 2034, that is not printed but it is talk amoung the wishers.
Sort of reminiscent to the 1975 fiasco... Makes my blood boil!!!!
by Spooner 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Lately they are saying 2034, that is not printed but it is talk amoung the wishers.
Sort of reminiscent to the 1975 fiasco... Makes my blood boil!!!!
Hi Spooner,
Here's a site that offers a very good overview of End-Of-The-World beliefs
They mention the JWs, but not in depth. A close examination of the history of the Watchtower Society will show that the end of the world was always held out as a strongly immanent probability, even when the WTS didn't have the specific dogma to back up the idea - Thus we find that in the aftermath of the 1975 failure, some JWs were sharing ideas that the end woould come in the 1980s, then the 1990s, even thoough the WTS never officially pinned the tail on the donkey after 1975. Currently, some JWs are betting that the winning number for the cosmic lottery will be 2005, because it is 1975 plus 30, and we all know Jesus was 30 when he bagan his ministry, so Adam must have been in his 30th year of life on earth when God brought Eve to him and thus ended the sixth creative day.
It makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
Recently, as was mentioned, the WTS is dropping subtle hints that "just as the days of Noah" were 120 years between God telling Noah the flood woould come and it coming, so today it is "just as the days of Noah" also, and hey, whaddyaknow? 1914 + 120 = 2034! That CAN'T be a coincidence!
Can it?
The world will end on the day you die. It's that simple.
I agree with you!... Oh wait, I'm not sure I do agree with you: How do you know?
Hey, then we have 30 more years left for fun.
"It's never the end of the world
It's already tomorrow in Australia."
Charles M. Schultz
Currently, some JWs are betting that the winning number for the cosmic lottery will be 2005, because it is 1975 plus 30, and we all know Jesus was 30 when he bagan his ministry, so Adam must have been in his 30th year of life on earth when God brought Eve to him and thus ended the sixth creative day.
Dude! You forgot to carry the one. Or was it the six? Five? Never mind.
I think that there is no such thing as a division between past,present and future,,just now which has no end or begining it is just always. Am I right??? Who know??LOL
frankie, along the lines of what you just posted, here's a thought experiment:
We call "real" that which we can hold in our hands, smell, taste, see.
But, by that definition, the "past" is unreal--we can't "sense" the past in any way. Sure, we can read about it, and remember (from personal experience) an insignificant part of it, but it isn't "real."
Nor is the future, for the future hasn't even happened yet.
So, our "reality" is the present. But what is the present? Does it include the last day, and the future day? Those are unreal. How about the last hour, and the future hour? Equally unreal. The last/future minute...second...microsecond...nanosecond??? All, equally unreal.
So, we are left with an infinitesimally small slice of life, which passes before we even sense it, that constitutes "reality."
Hence, my query to r51785: How do you know?
The day I get laid the Fourhorsemen are loosed.
Interesting, onacruse.....Our perception of the present is just as much an illusion as persistence of vision.....