Rofl! I get the whole pic now!
What really happened in 1914
by Leolaia 31 Replies latest jw friends
Dare I even print the following?, If you dont like it Iam sorry, please keep it to yourself, Its just a theory Ive come up with because something major did occur in 1914 which the JWs can and do use to promote themselves as Gods people.
So they said somethings going to happen in 1914, and sure enough something did, but are they putting the cart before the horse.
Here is my ridiculous theory for your amusement.
C.T, Russell inadvertantly gave the start date for the First World war!
C.T.Russell was a Zionist, the Watchtower used to be called Zions Watchtower, Mr Russell, as a fervant Zionist, was in written communication with the funding Father of Zionism, a certain Mr Rothschild.
Now here is where I blindly guess, but I wonder what sort of things Mr Russell would have written to Mr Rothschild about, probably things that where close to Mr Russells heart, like the fact he considered both the Bible, and the Great Pyramid pointed to the date of 1914 as something big and Biblical occurring, Prophesy about to come true.
Now Iam not going into details here, do your own resaerch if you are interested, World War 1 didnt start by accident, it was set up by numerous treaties between various countries that the slightest trigger set about WW1. (BTG, Kingdom over the Kings of the Earth).
And who set up the stage?
British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George stated that the most powerfull man in Britain was Lord Rothschild.
Despite what you have been told, Babylon the Great is not the world empire of false religion, its not Rome, the merchants of Revelation 18 dont weep and mourn because nobody will buy Christmas cards anymore, the Merchants will weep and mourn because the whole worlds finances will completely crash when BTG falls, and who is BTG, compare Matthew 23 with the last verse of Rev 18 where Jesus assigns the blood of the Prophets and of all slain on the Earth to the same group of people, the Spiritual leaders of Jeruslam, you wont find any Prophet blood in Rome, read Matthew 23, and the modern leaders of Jerusalem?
The international Zionist banking families like the Rothschilds, thats the reason why the world economy will end, because world banking will end, not the Catholic Church!, the same Rothschilds Russell gave the date 1914 as a significant time to "fullfill" Biblical prophesy, and what better endorsement for a Zionist to start the events leading to the regathering of Israel to the Promised Land.
The Balfour declaration was between British Statesman and Prime Minister Balfour, and once again, Lord Rothschild with the promise of Jews returning to British Palestine if Jewish banking influence could bring America into the war, BTG, Kingdom over the Kings of the Earth, guilty of all the blood shed on the Earth, something like a World war or two, or maybe three if Israel can get us to attack Iran.
So, to sum up, the Global Zionist bankers of the Likes of the Rothschilds started the First World War.
Russell gave them a seemingly very meaningfull date on which to do it.
Thereby fullfilling his own erroneous prophesy.
Just remembered another aspect of my crazy theory.
Iam sure we mostly agree here the Kingdom of God didnt come in 1914, but as a result of that date of Russells, and that war, a certain Kingdom was indeed born?
The Beast of Revelation and the AntiChrist!, yes! the first world war gave birth to the League of Nations which morphed into the United Nations, a Kingdom did indeed come from 1914 that the JWs proudly associate themselves with, Satans Kingdom, maybe even he was aware of Russells wonderfull interpretation of scripture and so used such to launch his counterfiet Kingdom of God!
Maybe this is why the Watchtower joined the UN?