I'm so sad...

by Country Girl 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Country Girl,

    Sweet mother, please come! Children are not always a reflection of their parents. Mine are pretty jacked up and look at me. I'm a pretty good kid. At least that's what I've been told.

    So do not be embarrassed. Many of us have done WAY worse, but in the end all of us apostates love each other pretty unconditionally. Sounds like you need to have some of your own fun anyway! I promise you $100 that you'll NOT regret it. (Please take me up on it if nothing else, for free money!)


  • kls

    Please , please , don't feel that way you are not a bad mother nor am i . I did feel like you when my son got into about the same trouble. It was his choice you were not there .I wish i could pm you but my crapy i mac has a firewall i need to figure out. Everyone makes mistakes as my son did and he paid for it and learned the hard way.

  • LyinEyes

    Country Girl ya have to come, it wont be the same if you are not there.

    Let me tell you hon, you seem to be a great mother........and I know you are doing all you can for your son. Being the mother of a teenager myself, I know that there are things our kids do we don't always approve of but that doesnt mean we are not good mothers. My son,,,,,,,,does great in school, he and I just came back from the Sports Banquet at school and he recieved many awards certificates,,he is class presiden, honor roll, beta club, football, softball,,,,,,,,,BUT.......lol,,,,,he does his fair share of mischief.

    I can't believe what he did last nite.... I am gonna tell ya , he and some of his friends,,,changed the letters on a church sign right on main street. I don't know what the sign said,,,,but after these teenage boys got thru with it , it said........" Got crabs on the wood??" I actually laughed because it was funny, but at the same time I had to tell him he could have gotten in trouble for vandalism , if he had been caught. Evidently no one found out who did it and the sign was changed after lunch sometime. I mean my point is ........kids are going to get in trouble, it starts off maybe as smaller stuff, but no matter how much you tell them the consquences of their actions, they are still going to test the limits.

    So don't you worry about what a few may have said to you , or what they think........he that has no sin.......( or their children for that matter)....cast the first stone. I think of the things I did when I was younger and I am really glad I didnt get caught....but still the same I did some crazy things. My parents, at least to others, seemed to be the most strict parents and I would have been the last kid anyone would have thought to do the things my friends and I did.

    hugs to you CG, and if at all possible , please be at the fest, dont worry about what anyone will say....... I got your back girl.

  • Amazing1914


    You need to go and be with support from people who care. You are not a bad parent. As parents, we love our children unconditionally ... even if they make unfortunate choices. Your support for your son will help him get through this ... in the meantime, be assured we all care ... and your Texas ex-JW friends care as well ... be there, and soal up the support .. Jim W.

  • bebu
    but after these teenage boys got thru with it , it said........" Got crabs on the wood??"

    ROFL!!! That is hysterically funny!!

    CG, there is a guy who went to our church who got put in jail for molesting a neighbor girl. The mom and brothers and all the rest still come, and no one ever thought of pointing a finger at them. Everyone comforted them instead. They are the kindest and humblest folks around!

    There are a lot of people that straighten up in/after prison. This is not the end of your son's story!


  • Princess

    Please come! You obviously can using a little cheering up and we are not going to judge you for what your adult child does.

    I for one am looking forward to meeting you. Don't disappoint me!!


  • cruzanheart

    Dear, dear Athene, you get your butt up here, woman! You need a weekend of whoopin', hollerin', XW's omelettes and Bloody Mary's, and enough booze to take your mind off your troubles. None of us would be judgmental of you, my friend -- we think very highly of you and love you dearly.

    Love & hugs,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    CG, I was terribly embarassed after my little meltdown a few weeks ago. I think you're a bit like me in that we don't like to show our flaws to the whole world.

    But you know, we're human. Isn't that what helps draw us together? It's the fact that we all make mistakes, and we all know it. And knowing that, we can all reach out to each other and help each other. Isn't that what it's all about?

    Besides, I'll wear my kilt if you show up, and I've got dead sexy legs.


  • kls

    The most i want to say in cyber space is there are afew things that may help your son, emotional problem's in the family including him, any deep mental illness in the family etc. Basically any kind of trauma mentally or physical. Chances are he will be contacted about these things. My son was 17 but charged as an adult, these and other things kept him out of prison but spent time in huber.

  • WildHorses
    kids are going to get in trouble, it starts off maybe as smaller stuff, but no matter how much you tell them the consquences of their actions, they are still going to test the limits.

    That is so true. I am not much of a drinker.(I've had a six pack of beer in the fridge for two months now and still have four left.) My son on the other hand has a big problem with it. He got a ticket for public intoxication two years ago. The only reason he got out of it is because the Judge told him I cared enough to be there with him. That most parents don't show up for court with their kids, so I must think he has potential for being a good person.

    Forward to four weeks ago. My son is now 19 and had still not learned his lesson about drinking. No matter how much I talked to him, he thought what he was doing was ok because most of his friends were doing it. He had just got his drivers license three days before and just got the tages on his car that night. I had asked him (You don't drive when you drink do you? Promise me you don't?) Well he lied and that same night, not even ten hours of having the car legal. He goes to a friends house. He didn't come home that night. Didn't call me to tell me he wouldn't be home, nothing. The next morning his boss calls to make sure he is ready for work and no Steven. That's when I started to worry! I went to work but couldn't work because I was worrying to much and so I asked if the girl working for me, would come with me to help me look for him We went everywhere we knew he hung out but still no Steven to be found. I started crying because the only thought that went through my head was that he was dead!

    We stopped looking after we went to all the places we knew he went to and decided to come home to see if he'd come home. My heart sank when I saw that he wasn't here. I just knew my son was dead. I think that is the first thing that goes through a mothers mind. LOL Well, I was going to call the highway patrol but before I did I hit the caller ID and saw a number from a towing service listed, so I called. Sure enough, Steven was there. I asked the man directions and we drove over. Turns out Steven had been drinking the night before and was so drunk that he passed out behind the wheel! He hit the ditch which woke him up again but he couldn't get control of the car. He did quit a bit of damage to it.

    All those times I scolded him for drinking. All the begging I did to make him stop did nothing. He had to learn the hard way. He is lucky to be alive and he finally realised that drinking isn't a good idea because he doesn't know when to stop. He drinks till it's gone. He hasn't had a drink since that night and I hope he never does because alcoholism runs in his family on both sides.

    Anyway, what I am getting at is that I know I am a good mother but when we try to teach our kids the right way, they take it as our trying to control them. They do not realise that what we tell them is sometimes from experience no matter if we tell them so. They sometimes have to learn for themselves that mama sometimes does know best. So, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you are a good mom yourself. You son jsut hasn't realised it yet.

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