Article on Sexual Abuse Lawsuits in Texas Against JW Congregation (long)

by CA_Lawyer 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • myauntfanny
    In it, the Watchtower defendants again raised the First Amendment as a bar to the litigation, but more to the point, claimed that under Texas law, they owed no duty to protect the plaintiff from the crimes of a fellow congregant.

    I really wonder what the rank and file would feel if they saw this. What's the point of that endless babble about the shepherd and the flock, except to make them feel that the Society is looking after them? Do they know that actually these guys feel NO responsibility towards them or their children at all?

  • waiting

    Thank you for printing this - these types of articles and TV coverage ARE being viewed by active jw's. Some are even thinking. I bought some makeup the other day and spent some time talking with the saleswoman - nice chat. Yesterday, I returned one item. She opened her drawer for something & a WT & Awake were laying there. I asked if they were hers. Yes.

    Then we talked........and talked........and talked. She came in the Org. in '97. She had viewed a show on Monday night (the night before) which talked about the child abuse church problem - and Jehovah's Witnesses. After talking? "You mean that show was telling the truth?"

    An interesting comment she made:

    JW: Oh- I love Jehovah's Organization. I've not had any bad experiences.

    me: My daughter was molested. Remember me telling you about my friend? Her daughter was molested. Remember my other friend? Her son was raped for years. He finally killed himself while still a teenager.

    Watch over your two daughters. There's over 22 thousand active JW child molesters on file at the Society.

    JW: Oh - but that was BEFORE they were jw's.

    me: NO. Those are active Jehovah's Witnesses who are on record as accused/proven child molesters.

    She just looked at me quietly and said "Thank you." She asked me to come back & talk some more. Slowly but surely - the WTBTS's dirty secrets are coming to light. New Light.

    Great article & great work. Thank you again.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I think it 's a shame that Headquarters apparently gets a pass on this, that only the local congregations end up under the gun.

  • hawkaw

    Thank you and welcome to the board.

    ... motion for clarification .... Now that will be interesting. I just don't know how in the hell the parent corporation could not be vic. liable unless counsel went after the wrong parent company seeing there is just so many of them .... hmmm ... naw can't be .... or maybe that the GB doesn't belong to any parent companies ... naw can't be.

    I really want to see that "clarification".


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Our little Texas tornado is blowing them away again! <grin>

    What a great article! Thanks Kimberly, for your hard work and determination.


  • Jim_TX

    After reading this - and 'waiting's comments...

    Perhaps THIS (child molestation) is the 'new light' that 'keeps getting brighter' in the JW organization.


    Jim TX

  • hawkaw

    I'm still stunned the Judge let the main corps go.

    This is an "up-down" organization for crying out loud.

    Who creates the policies (aka those stupid documents supposedly created by "Jehovah God") and who directs the Elders to call headquarters first to follow their headquarter's legal counsel and services department).

    Gee, this all came out in the Boer trial. Even Her Honour in the Boer trial recognized the libility rested with the parent corporation which in that case was the WB&TS of Canada Inc.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Go Get em Texas!

    Danny in front of
    Maine courthouse

  • Valis

    Way to go Kim!


    District Overbeer

  • allpoweredup

    I mentioned this to Bill Bowen who said to pass it on to you, Kim Norris, that in the late 1980s or so a news article said a Larry Kelley testified that while an elder he had heard a sister say her genetic brother had sexually molested her (incest) and that (in his own words) the WTS wanted this and like matters handled "in-house." Please use your powers of discovery to confirm this.

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