Friends is over. The last episode will be tonight. Will Ross and Rachel end up together? What will you miss? Will you be watching tonight?
Friends is Ending
by simplesally 54 Replies latest social entertainment
I read the synopsis of the final show in the Enquirer while waiting in line at the grocery store. From all the previews I've seen, it looks right.
Monica and Chandler get twins, a boy and a girl. The Ross and Rachel storyline will end the way everyone wants it to end..............that's all I will say.
I am glad it's over.
Sorry to crash your party... hated it from day one.
I think most of America will be watching, and have been reading that companies are paying 2 million dollars per commercial, and launching new commercials cause so many people will be watching tonight. Another end of an era....
Same here, never really got friends and it has been on for way to long. At this point you could call it Golden Friends, not sure which friend's character you could call Sofia. I just feel bad for all those companies paying 2 million a spot on the last episode. Now, Seinfeld knew when to end his show, he may have lost some money but he kept his dignity.
Another end of an era....
I was just musing over this comment. Isn't it silly how television shows dictate important events in our lives? Well, not mine. Although I do admit that I saw the end of Senfeld, it was not emotional or anything. It just sucked.
This show will be like "who shot JR" in the 70's, LOL!
II have only been watching Friends for the last year and then not regularly. Since the show came on Thursdays nites, needless to say, I missed so much,,,,,I was at the KH all those years. I want to either get the DVD on the first episiodes to catch up and then start watching the beginning years. I do love the show and it always makes me laugh.
Does anyone eles think that Ross is hot??
I always like Joey, except he was not too bright. Actually, none of the guys were guys I would have dated. Except Tom Selleck was on a few episodes, I'd not throw him out if he ate crackers in my bed.
I have never watched Friends. It just never appealed to me. But then I never watch reality shows and look how popular they are.
I never watched Jerry Seinfeld either.
Blondie (in another zone I think)
Yeah, I'm all geared up. Got a bag of Lay's to munch on and some soda. It will be fun to watch. That crew have given me a lotta laughs over the years.
Wonder how Mulan got the inside scoop,,, come on, fess up!
For any die-hard fans, I think Oprah has a Friends special 'final episode' show, it might be today, not sure. I saw it advertised, but didn't note when it was 'on'.
My favorite character is Phoebe, and as for the guys, well I'm with you on that. I find none of them appealing. Tom Selleck, otoh, well, ahem... he is one hunk-o-man, I'll leave it at that. heheh If you haven't seen it, check out his movie "An Innocent Man". I love flicks, and this one is his best solo effort, imo (not counting Three Men & A Baby).
I figured on Ross & Rachel hooking up for good, Phoebe & Mike will be going somewhere like Katmandu or something, and Joey of course, is getting his own show. Maybe he'll get his job on GH back?
Have fun watching, everyone!