Freedom of speech, cousin Jeb and the Bin Ladens

by Simon 71 Replies latest social current

  • dubla


    this thread is about michael moores movie, and disneys decision to reject it. simon is trying to make a connection between freedom of speech and disneys decision....a comparison that is completely disjointed, to say the least. the fact is, the movie will be released here.....after the press on this, im sure there are plenty of studios banging down moores door trying to get it. crying censorship because of the actions of one company is laughable.........then again, simons comparisons often are.


  • Realist


    maybe this was made up by moore but in his book stupid white man he claims that after 911 no publishing company wanted to print his book. the one he had the contract with cancelled the release.

  • minimus

    Maybe Moore knows how to sell movies and books, huh?

  • dubla


    again, companies deciding not to publish his book is censorship how? what was the content? (im not familiar with the book). regardless, this thread is about disney; do you think disney rejecting the movie equals "no freedom of speech in america", as simon suggests?


  • minimus

    Maybe this is his way of saying "there's no such thing as freedom of speech".

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    1. Disney told Michael Moore over a year ago that they weren't going to distribute it.

    2. Both the Weinsteins (Miramax) and Michael Moron Moore know how to maximize publicity and get a buzz going - they are doing it VERY effectively.

    3. ANY filmmaker can get a film distributed with this type of hype. "No one" wanted to distribute The Passion, but it got distributed and did very nicely at the boxoffice.

    Come on Simon.... you can do better than that on your daily "what's wrong with America today" rant... This story is nothing but showbiz.... and besides, this is typical of Disney. Their management is liberal, but they have to consider all of their audiences and not alienate anyone.... it's a fine line. Michael Moore will get this distributed and make a sh*tload of money just as he has done in the past by unashamedly and admittedly "stretching" the truth.

  • Realist


    there exists due to the mass media an indirect censorship. nothing US critical could be published after 911 without the author getting burned on a stake.

    to be successful one needs the approval of the main media (unless you decide to sell it over seas).

  • dubla


    to be successful one needs the approval of the main media (unless you decide to sell it over seas).

    first off, being "successful" with a publication, and being allowed to express your freedom of speech are two different things. moore will no doubt accomplish both.

    like i said before, moores new movie will be released here; he is NOT being censored in any way shape or form. with the hoopla that he has drummed up over this disney thing, it will also most definitely be very "successful".


  • Realist


    first off, being "successful" with a publication, and being allowed to express your freedom of speech are two different things.

    i don't think i claimed the US has no freedom of speech did i?

    censorship does most certainly occur in the media on which the majority of americans base their opinion on. nevertheless there certainly are newspapers and small local stations that broadcast everything.

  • Yerusalyim

    I'm always amazed when people try to link a free choice by a company not to publish/print/show a particular work as an infringement of "free speech" It just goes to show these people have either no real understanding of what that phrase means, or are being deliberately obtuse.

    Moore, who won an Oscar for Bowling for Columbine in 2003, questioned whether in a "free and open society" Disney should be making such a decision.

    Disney should INDEED be making such decisions...the future profits of that company are at stake. Disney and Eisner have taken a beating in the last few years for the kinds of movies Marimax has been releasing.

    Moore has the right to make whatever film it wants, and Disney has the right NOT to distribute it...that's the give and take of free speech.

    Moore should try to come up with some proof about the "tax break" scenario, but this is true to his colors...making outrageous comments with no if they were fact.

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