And smashing them with a sledge hammer might work for awhile -- but unless a broader strategy of (1) international cooperation, (2) stable and representative governments and (3) raising of living conditions is pursued, we will be working against a growing tide.
So, explain "international cooperation." Explain who we achieve a stable and representative government in an area/culture that consistently demonstrates itself to be murderous, oppressive, culturally breeding terrorism, who truly don't understand the concept of freedom.
What do you mean "raising living conditions?." So now we are going to go in and pump money to raise living conditions of people who haven't even demonstrated they have been able to do so, even though they've got a rich oil source. Yes, Saddam raped the people by cutting a deal with UN members--France/Russia, and in so doing starved his people. Based on what I'm seeing over there, there will probably be another Sadaam because they are culturally ripe for it. There's no way we can control it.
Yes we DO need to fight terrorism at home, on our soil. We need to continue to track down terrorists and destroy their network. We need to get toughter on security at home.
But, I'm sick of this zoo. Now we've got the Muslim world suddenly incensed at the pictures of some of their terrorist people being humilated. They, who think nothing of murdering, terroriizing, who live in substandard conditions and have for years and don't have a clue how to get out of it becuase they are culturally ingrained to work against a free society. Latest is that they are asking for the blood of those who committed the "atrocities" in the prisons.
Whatever. Get out and let them destroy themselves. We cannot change their social, cultural, and economic structure. Unitl recently, and with all the political CRAP going on here, including Democrats taking the LEAD in subverting the US government, I believed we could help the Iraqis. Not now. I don't want any more American lives lost over there. They are not worth it.