I want to start a discussion about Docetic passages in the NT. Docetism was an ancient (some argue original) Christology that asserted that the Christ figure was not physically human but rather, being truly pure, merely took the appearance of flesh so as to commune with humans and teach the secret gnosis (knowledge).
Marcion, for example, a second century proponent of Docetic Christianity understood his Christ to have descended from heaven in the form of a mature man. Passages like Matt 11:11a were retained by the later proto-orthodox (meaning those who's views eventually prevailed and became incorporated into Catholic dogma) scribes perhaps because they could be interpreted ambiguously dispite the docetic intent. Clearly the author was saying that his Christ had not been born of woman (literally or idiomatically ie:human). Please post other examples that demonstrate this early christology.
Matt 11:11 "I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."