Catholic "Just War" Doctrine vs JW Pacifist Doctrine

by rocketman 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Bingo Gumby. The born again chirstians are farming expendable unsaved non christians to do their work. It is just like exery other church except nobody ever assume you could squeeze blood from a turnip and make lemonade. Have 6 million herrectics work for free in behalf of 8000 born again christians.

    BTW you see how JWs is running on inertia instead of their own docterine? The religion has disbanded, anyone that does not turn the FDS over to the SS will be spared, and nobody is being judged until God knows. Anyone know the definition of futile.

    BTW if a JW was on the plane that went down fighting they would fight. JWs are not pacifist and many are violent and abusive. It is propaganda on both sides to assume JW practice non violence.

  • Valis


  • gumby
    BTW you see how JWs is running on inertia instead of their own docterine?

    XQ....First I just gotta get this off my chest. It's "Doctrine"...not Docterine. Now then....I feel better. Also....please explain the above statement if ya don't mind.


  • Yerusalyim

    The arguement that if everyone were JW there would be no "carnal warfare" is ridiculous in the following sense, not to mention the other arguements brought up...until humans are perfect, there will be violence among there never JW on JW violence? I've seen it before, so to believe war would go away if everyone were JW is just stupid.

  • undercover
    BTW if a JW was on the plane that went down fighting they would fight. JWs are not pacifist and many are violent and abusive. It is propaganda on both sides to assume JW practice non violence.

    I think, maybe, that your missing my point. You're right, Individual JWs are not pacifist and many are violent and abusive. The religion, on the other hand, is a pacifist religion. It teaches non-violence. It teaches no involvement in political affairs. It teaches no military involvement, battle line or otherwise. The scenerio I created earlier consists of political ideal, war and violence. A JW with a well-trained conscience(read brain-washed) would not and could not allow himself to participate in any action that might regain control of that plane. If he did, he would not have remained neutral in the worlds affairs. He would be quilty of political involvement and sharing in warfare.

    The world is not a black and white place as the WTS would have us believe. It is much more complicated, even more so in the last few years. Their idealistic, pacifist thinking does not always fit in with what is happening. Sticking your head in the sand and waiting for some savior to protect you from evil just ain't gonna happen.

  • JohnR

    Interesting questions and answers.

    When my brother was first in the JW's he and my father would get into arguments about violence, killing and self defense. I am not sure what my brother said but my father's response was that if some one broke in to your home and was going to physically harm or kill your family then you should defend the family even if it meant killing the intruder. I was left with the impression that my brother did not believe that. My father told him to his face that he was a fool if he did not do what it takes to keep his family safe.


  • heathen

    undercover--- That's an interesting assumption there . In the bible all christians were killed off by evil forces and trusted their lives to God just as jesus did at the time of his death when he said father into your hands I entrust my spirit . From what I recall noone did anything on the planes that hit the world trade centers because they thought that it was going to be a hostage situation and had no way of knowing their fate . I don't think anyone knew any better on the plane that crashed into the pentagon. Finally on the plane that was shot down, as I remember hearing it was shot down by F15 fighter pilots (or I might add was suggested to have been at first ) but then later the story of a revolt on board was circulating, had some contact with what was going on by somebody using their cell phone .

    edited to add that I still blame the ignorant idiots in washington for the lack of security that was promised when George Bush took office .

  • undercover


    I had always heard that the plane that went down in PA was because the passengers tried to fight back against the hijackers after some on the plane had talked to family members with cell phones and realized what was going to happen. I later heard reports that maybe fighter planes shot it down. I don't know the compete facts, but I presented that scenerio to question how a loyal JW would act if in that situation. It's war, it's violent and it's political. All things that the WTS tries to keep its followers from partaking in. Christians back in the day did the same. They didn't fight back against the gladiators or the lions. They passively died. If you want to hold to the ideals of the WTS today, you would have to do the same.

  • heathen

    JohnR--- I think the chances of actually being able to stop a murderous thug from doing damage are slim anyway . I think more innocent lives are lost because of stupid people not securing their weapons so that children don't kill themselves and others . I've heard the jehovah witnesses use a story such as , a man was lying in bed one night and thought he heard a noise so grabbed his gun and shot where he thought the noise came from , well in the end he wound up shooting his own foot .lol I'm not against owning guns just against idiots owning guns .

  • JohnR


    I have never owned a gun although I know how to use one and have a Firearm Owner's ID (just in case). The conversation I related was over 14 years ago and I only bring it up because the sense I got out of it is that my brother would do nothing to protect his family if there was an intruder. That is to say he would not fight back in any way. My father's position was that you should do all you can to protect yourself and your family. I don't know if my brother has modified his position and would fight back if it was appropriate. As I said this was his position when he first started in the JW's so I think that was what he was taught at that time.


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