JUst wondered who was this person Ed Dunlap??
who was Ed Dunlap
by galaxy7 29 Replies latest jw friends
Born in OK - went to Bethel and became Gilead Instructor - wrote Commentary on The Letter of James and was one of a team of 5 that wrote the Aid to Bible Understanding. A clever guy who had a great understanding of scripture- was a good THINKER --That was his downfall - you do not think --you just do what Mama (The Organization) tells you. Was of great crowd but later on 1980 started partaking of the emblems -cared about people
He was also kicked out of Bethel after serving most of his life there on trumped-up charges. He later formally disassociated himself. When Ray Franz was also dumped at Bethel, Ed got him a job, and let him stay on his property. They were long-time friends. Ray was having lunch with Ed one day, and some dumbass bitch dub turned him in. The WTS DF'd Ray for having association with someone who was DAd who was also his EMPLOYER and benefactor even though there was no regulation banning such activity with someone who was disassociated. They later created a new rule against it in order to pathetically try to cover their tracks.
The whole Franz/Dunlap affair shows how deeply EVIL and amorally vindictive the Watchtower Book-Print and Sales Society really is: turning out old men on the streets and lifelong servants of their thoroughly corrupt religion to fend for themselves whenever someone dares to look cross-eyed at them.
Galaxy, I really enjoyed listening to Ed Dunlap's voice explaining many issues he had with Watchtower teachings and what happened when they talked to him about these things; the audio is found over at jwinfoline. I have listened to him many times over. I just love this man, though I've never met him of course.
Farkel, I believe you are confusing Ed Dunlap with Peter Gregerson. Ed Dunlap was disfellowshipped while still at Bethel and moved to Oklahoma City where he had grown up.
Ray Franz mentions him in his book, Crisis of Conscience, and says (pp.236,237):
I first met [Ed Dunlap] in 1964 when attending a ten-month course at Gilead School. He was then the Registrar of the School and one of its four instructors...Originally from Oklahoma, of somewhat rough-hewn appearance, Ed was of ordinary education but had the ability to take very difficult, complex subjects and put them in understandable language, whether it was the functions of the Mosaic Law or a scientific study of genetics. However, more important to me was his unpretentiousness. Aside from a penchant for loud ties, he was a basically low key, low profile person, in appearance, demeanor [sic] and speech...He had always been thoroughly devoted to the organization; his full-time service record equalled mine in length [40 years].
All I can add to this are the comments I heard from missionaries who knew Ed Dunlap while students at Gilead. Without exception they spoke well of him and were shocked and upset when we heard he had been disfellowshipped.
They say Santa Clause is fashioned after old Ed Dunlap, but I'm not too sure that is true.
Yeah, I did screw up. I guess I'm getting senile if I can confuse Dunlap with Gregerson. Mea Culpa. Thanks for pointing that out. Dunlap was something like 69 years old when he was botted from Bethel, right?
thanks all
Right, Farkel. From everything I have read and heard of the "Bethel apostasy" of the early 1980's, Ed Dunlap comes out of it as a man of absolute integrity and honesty. I recall (but cannot remember my source) that at the time his brother was city overseer in Oklahoma City and shortly thereafter disassociated himself.
I met Ed Dunlap at the school in Ithica NY in the early sixties. He really impressed me with his knowledge of the Bible and his down to earth character. He wasn't like some of the other instructors and Nathan Knor, with an attitude. I liked him when I first met him.
Ken P.