That was Peter Gregerson that gave Ray Franz a job. Ed was given a job by his brother in Oklahoma.
who was Ed Dunlap
by galaxy7 29 Replies latest jw friends
Very pleased to see some of you still remember Ed and Marion Dunlap. It was after considerable discussion with Ed and his brother that I became probably the first of the OKC OKLA congregation disfellowshippings -as I recall some time before Marion quit. Some may not know that Marion passed away this past summer; he was quite alert right up till the very last when he succumbed to a stroke. I always tried to call him once or twice a month but he also had a number of ex JW relatives who were very kind. Ed's wife is still living in OKC. The Franz book is absolutely right on about the hypocrisy at Bethel during the 1980 shizm - I have always believed that both Ray, Ed, and also Marion really believed that some reform could come about by their effort until they were all just slapped right in the face by the coverup efforts. It should be said that neither one ever showed me any evidence of bitterness or hatred; these people could really be called a fine example of what this so-called religion should have been encouraging their flock to be. Of course, both would chastise me for braggin on them...
First day to find this site, but happy to find the name of an old friend!
Since we had a thread on the Ray Franz book, I thought I would bring this one back on the Dunlap brothers. It was my second-ever post here.
All old friends who stood up to the WTBTS in the 1970s, and all are gone now.
Ed Dunlap's testimony on mp3:
I knew the night before they announced Ed's disfellowshipping at the morning breakfast table. Tom Cabeen told me. I was quite nervous to say the least; like knowing an atomic bomb was about to go off in the dining room. I think it was Bert Schroeder who made the announcement... the cries and tears permeated the dining hall. As a table head it was my job to be there for every breakfast, but I vowed then not to go to breakfast again. I would only vomit up what they served. I left a few weeks later (on vacation) and never even went back. I asked Dan Sydlik if I could stay home and have my roommate ship my belongings back to Cali. I told them I had to take care of my parents suddenly. The day before I left I was appointed assistant pressroom overseer over all book printing. They could take the job and shove it, the bastards.
My story sent to 10,000 people all over the world a year before Ray wrote his book:
My letter of resignation to the GB:
Thanks, Randy.
So, they pretty much let Ray Franz leave Bethel without making much of a stir at first - but created a sensation over Ed and Betty?
I didn't know what had happened until they came back to Oklahoma City and Ed and Marion told me about it. Of course, we were discussing all the issues for at least a year (seems more like two) as Marion would get news from Ed at Bethel and let me in on it.
Would this have been late 1979 or early 1980 as you recall? I believe I had already quit going to meetings for good and written them a letter at the time.
Hi James,
This was late 1979. From my perspective, Ray was willing to capitulate on some matters to keep the peace but Ed, being a true Okie like me, refused to lie in order to pass their stupid interrogation questions, and the GB PLEADED with him to do so, but he refused..
As for Ray, they just wanted him OUT and were quite rude to him.
bttt - this is a thread to save Thanks!
The new ones need to learn more about men like Ed Dunlap, who spoke up, when he saw errors being repeated and covered over by men. I belive St. Paul did this to Peter, when he was forcing the Gentiles to do something, he was not doing himself. I need to do more research on Ray and Ed. I know this topic is old but many lurkers might be interested in their heritage and proud history you won't find in the Proclaimer's book.
Some details on Ed's passing in 1999. - He had 20 good years of freedom from the WT gulag.
Ed Dunlap, former Gilead registrar at Bethel, who was disfellowshipped in 1979 for "apostasy" during the great Witch hunt, died of natural causes on Sept. 17th in his home. Tom Cabeen, my former Bethel overseer, writes:
"He was cleaning out dresser drawers and noticed a numbness in his left arm. He thought it was just from turning wrong or something. He went into the bathroom shortly thereafter and when he didn't come out, Betty went looking for him. He had died quickly and, evidently, painlessly. He was a good Christian and very courageous. I will miss him very much. We had a lot of good Bible discussions.
Tom"Ed was a courageous man who stood up to the Witch Hunt tactics at Bethel in 1979 and declared that he would not be a part of the tactics used on the flock, and after a long session with the other members of the Governing Body, where some were said to be in tears over his conscientious stand, he was disfellowshipped and it was announced to the Bethel family the next morning. Many cried over the loss of this wonderful Christian man. May his reward go with him.
Randy Watters