motorcycle accident!

by truthseeker1 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K

    Glad to hear you will be okay truthseeker.

    Helmet and the right gear can make the difference.

    I remember my 1st motorcycle accident. Wasn't pretty and the next day I thought I was really gonna die. Head on into the side of a car and I rocketed off the bike like a torpedo.. hit the roof and then continued on to the other side.. kerplunk, skid..then blackness.

    Take care of yourself dude. Give yourself time to heal.


    Special K

  • little witch
    little witch

    So sorry about your crash TS. Please tell me your last words before the accident weren't
    "Watch This"!!!

  • reboot

    ((((((Get so worried when I see threads with titles like these)))))))))) poor you I fell off three times, once in a hedge, once on ice and another time straight over a low wall into someones front garden.....yours sounded less embarassing .....So glad it's not too bad, though it still shakes you up so don't forget to look after yourself..... hope you don't hurt to much

    .(I was going to say you'll be stiff in the morning but thought better of it...)

  • truthseeker1

    my last words were "Damn-it!"

    i wasnt showing off or anything. i was going about 35 and just couldnt make a tight enough turn.

  • ball.

    Im glad to say for the last 6 years I have been on bikes I have never come off. Before that I had a car for a while, but back before that when I had smaller bikes, I had all kinds of mishaps, a tyre blow out sent me off once with a pillian, came off on ice, just by touching the breaks gently, came off on a wet road breaking to late, hit the side of a taxi (the guy didn't indicate and swung left as I went to over-take) - I lost in court, hit the side of a car (guy didn't look before pulling out and he paid me off in cash). But in the last 6 years nothing.

  • animal

    Look inside your helmet at the sticker and see what speed it is tested at.....

    I ride without, it is a choice in my home state. I also ride without here in sunny California when I get up in the mountains.

    Hope your ok after you heal.


  • Dan-O

    LT, am I to conclude that a "helmet" is synonymous with "condom" (a.k.a. "love glove", "dong sarong", "doogie houser", "love gun holster", etc.) in your hometown?

  • ignored_one
    i guess my fist hit the ground, cuz i have a boxers fracture.

    And there's me thinking you'd split your underwear.


    Ignored One.

  • LittleToe

    LOL @ Reboot.

    You can draw whatever conclusions you wish

    Day two - it's gotta hurt like heck. Hope you're ok, buddy!

  • truthseeker1

    I usually wake up stiff, but especially now!

    Ignored: I think my chonies were the only thing that didnt split Sioled, well....j/k

    if you remember crazy151drinker, he is getting an aprilla on wednesday, and is a bit worried. I am too.

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