Pics of gun-toting Marine in Church???

by Schizm 39 Replies latest social current

  • Schizm

    Hi folks! I realize that the subject that I've chosen here can indeed arouse the emotions, but I believe that most here have control of their emotions and can therefore be reasonable while discussing this topic. Some of you believe in God and the Bible, and some of you don't; but, whatever your station in life is I'm sure that you won't mind expressing your personal opinion. Although I wish to hear from you all, I especially would like to hear from those of you who still believe in God and the Bible. Now ............

    The picture below is that of a Marine that was killed in Iraq just recently. It's one of several pictures of him that was displayed inside a so-called "Christian" church in Sunray, Texas. What do you think God thinks about the idea of a gun-toting war hero being glorified in a building that is dedicated to the worship of the Creator? My own opinion: Although I am of the opinion that this young man will be resurrected, I think the Methodist Church has acted unwisely here.

    This is a quote from the article:

    "Pictures of the 21-year-old Marine who was killed April 26 in Iraq filled a large screen placed on the altar at First United Methodist Church in Sunray, imbuing the sanctuary with the young man's energy and charm so recognizable in the photographs." See rest of story:

  • Yerusalyim

    You talk as if being a warrior is not a noble profession. David was a man after God's own heart...and a warrior.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    your question displays some of the hypocracy of christianity. Throughout the old testament gods people butchered their way through the middle east and soldiers were quite rightly revered. For some reason some mainstream churches seem to think that its demeaning to be a soldier - it isnt

  • Schizm
    David was a man after God's own heart...and a warrior.

    David was an Israelite. Israel was God's chosen people. No nation today can claim that same status. No nation today can claim to be chosen of God.

  • Yerusalyim

    That doesn't make being a warrior any less honorable. You might have a point if this guy were involved in running around indiscriminately killing innocent people, or if it showed him actually killing someone, but it doesn't it shows him at work. Get off your moral high horse and appreciate the sacrafices these warriors make for you.

  • Schizm
    That doesn't make being a warrior any less honorable.

    The point was, that David (the person that YOU brought up) was a ISRAELITE warrior. That, in itself, makes all the difference in the world. Why? Because David fought for a nation that God had chosen to be his people. You, Yeru, fight for a nation that can't claim to be chosen of God. For that reason, no true Christian can conscientiously involve himself in the squabbles of the world.

    Get off your moral high horse and appreciate the sacrafices these warriors make for you.

    Because you wish to talk down your nose to me, Yeru, I will reply to you in a frank way, as follows: You're a soldier of a gentile nation, Yeru, and therefore not a true Christian. The Churches are full of people who lack the discernment that you show here by your comments.

  • Schizm

    I have got to go change the oil and filter in my car. (The wife said for me to. ) I'll be back later to check on this topic. Thanks to everyone who participates in the meantime.

  • Stefanie
    and therefore not a true Christian.

    And who are you to make that statement?

  • Schizm
    and therefore not a true Christian.
    And who are you to make that statement?

    What part of the above did you not understand? I explained the basis for my "statement" up above.

    My basis for saying what I did is in that part of my sentence you didn't quote, as follows:

    You're a soldier of a gentile nation, Yeru, and therefore not a true Christian.
  • Stefanie

    Well it may be true in your own mind, but that is all the worth your statement has. IMO

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