Answers to elders who ask " Do you consider yourself one of JWs"

by blondie 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    EXCELLENT, Mulan!

    One for the Hot Files.


  • pratt1

    I do not consider myself an active JW, however, I will admit that I still carry a lot of baggage from my experience as a JW and it's been difficult to separate my own independent thinking from JW group think.

  • Atilla

    Perhaps, you could say that you are th King of the North and that you have an army to lead. Then they just might thing you are crazy and leave you alone.

  • blondie

    I might clarify that these would be answers you could give the elders that would not lead to being DF'd or being interpreted as your DA'ing yourself, being able to maintain that ambiguous status of inactive.


  • ozziepost

    I don't think there'd be a long list!

    I like Mulan's rejoinder. Just brilliant!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Nina

    My planned response was going to be: "Are you suggesting that I am not?"

    Mulan's is much, MUCH better!!!


  • run dont walk
  • Blueblades

    Blondie,In short I don't have the articles anymore, however they say that those who choose to walk away quietly are to be left alone.Also, those who are inactive are still considered to belong to the congregation under the care of the Elders and are still part of God's flock,sheep in his fold.And are in this context STILL one of JW'S.

    So, the question could be answered with either article cited to the Elders, as they will have to see it in print for themselves from the Society and therefore could not take any action against you.But rather it would place a responsibility to nurture and care for you,something they are not willing to do,ie.time effort work for you etc.So they will just leave you alone.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    experience has taught me the following:

    ....." of course I love Jehovah and consider myself a witness ....I am going through a low spiritual time"; that will get them off your back..

    I have learned from personal experience that you will not win any confrontations -so do not waste your time. Tell them what they want to hear and plan a slow exit. Keep your distance from them and always "have other plans" if they try to schedule a meeting with you. If they come to your door unnannounced simple say " bad time" and close the door.

    It worked for me until they decided to come after me with Judicial meetings about "drugs" and "fornication" ( totally fabricated). So I hired a lawyer and began a harrassment suit (not against Watchtower; against the elders personally). They backed off fast. I suppose I followed President Teddy Roosevelts advice to " talk softly and carry a big stick".

  • uriah

    I Agree with franklins statement. You will not win. They are convinced that they are right and you are wrong. Just go and see the e-watchman board. Talk about head in the sand.
    I have found it best to say what they want. It appears that they do not see through the subterfuge and are happy to go away with what you tell them. I would be thinking, Hey this guy's trying to pull a fast one. I'll ask some more searching questions..' but they don't. Still, I can remember being just as blind and marking down a house, when on FM, as mine when the emcumbents (who said p -orf) were transmogrified into manure at the big A.

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