Answers to elders who ask " Do you consider yourself one of JWs"

by blondie 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Here's a tried and true weapon for deflecting the issue:

    Elder: Mary, do you consider yourself one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Mary: Well, I don't think I am, but Roberta is.

    Elder: Uh, who's Roberta?

    Mary: She's one of my multiple-personalities. She's been studying with me ever since I got put on death-row.

    (Elder makes a b-line for the door............bye-bye! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!)

  • mustang

    Shamless plug: Blondie or somebody, add the links to those books related to VERBAL DEFENSE. This is a good place for that, in case people are archiving this for future reference (like I am).


  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    When I was finally asked this (by an elder that happened to walk into the shop that I worked at) I had been out of the Borg for 12 months, and had become a Christian. I simply stated, "According to the Bible, no where are followers of Jesus Christ to be witnesses of Jehovah. Rather, they are to be witnesses of Jesus." I then told him that if he wished to discuss it further to call me and make an appointment, as I was currently on work time and could not discuss it then.

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