Quotes from this 6-15-04 Watchtower Issue:
"While these verses are not stated in medical terms, Witnesses view them as ruling out transfusion of whole blood, packed RBCs [red blood cells], and plasma as well as WBC [white blood cell] and platelet administration." The 2001 textbook Emergency Care, under "Composition of the Blood," stated: "The blood is made up of several components: plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets." Thus, in line with medical facts, Witnesses refuse transfusions of whole blood or of any of its four primary components."
"Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or of its four primary components -- plasma, red cells, white cells, and platelets."
"Basic Stand on Blood: Unacceptable: Whole Blood: Red Cells, White Cells, Platelets, Plasma"
"Jehovah's Witnesses hold that accepting whole blood or any of those four primary components violates God's law."
"Jehovah's Witnesses refuse transfusions of both whole blood and its primary blood components."
Question to Ask Jehovah's Witnesses:
Where does the Bible say that it is wrong to accept the four "primary components" of blood (Red Cells, White Cells, Platelets, and Plasma) BUT it is "up to your conscience" to accept all other components and fractions of blood?
What makes those 4 components MORE sacred or MORE holy than the other fractions?