Do not forget:
1) dress like a "conservative" christian minister ( whatever that is)
2) drive a 4 door car to make "field service" an easier task in transporting as many people into the neighborhood as possible.
3) young "brothers and sisters" remember---no impure thoughts; dating; etc ( unless you have a view to marriage). Those of you with healthy, normal hormones--we advise you to "marry young" to avoid fornication. Better you should die; or stay in a miserable marriage because you married too young ( if you die you will be resurrected) than give in to the pleasures of the flesh.
4) Show love for one another. But only to fellow theocratic worshippers of Jehovah. He exhaults in your devotion. To those who are worldly you are to set a good theocratic example; this brings glory to Jehovah. To those who have left the faith you may mistreat and ignore; they will die at armageddon anyway; "open season" on those. This includes any blood relations or former loved ones; you are to ignore them and abuse them; remember " Jehovah is a God demanding exclusive devotion".
Yes, I remember this lifestyle all too welll.....