There is a link on this page to a talk where Ciro Aulicino discusses the King of the North and the Muslims:
Anyone who has been associated with the Watchtower for some time is aware of how they view the United Nations as being the prophetic ?wild beast? of Rev. 13:17 that stands opposed to God?s Kingdom under the ?anointed remnant,? empowered directly by Satan himself (Gog of Magog of Rev. 20:8). The United Nations was due sometime soon to be empowered by the United States and Great Britain, and to turn on ?Jehovah?s people? to annihilate them.
In the Oct/Dec 2001 issue of the Free Minds Journal it was reported that the Watchtower had secretly joined up with the United Nations as an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) with the purpose of helping spread the doctrine and agenda of the United Nations (with benefits to themselves, of course). When this was discovered and exposed in the newspapers and on the internet, the Watchtower Public Relations Department was quick to disassociate themselves from the United Nations, and issue a special message to any branch members or elders who needed to provide a response to the news media. The blatantly dishonest answer was that they joined to obtain a ?library card? in order to do research. A similar letter was sent out to certain inquiries on the subject.
Shortly thereafter it was widely publicized and documented that not only did the WT not have to join the UN just to get a library card, but that the Watchtower magazine had already been writing articles that subtly supported the United Nations and its agenda! This is required of any NGO associated with the UN. One of the articles is even listed on the UN website. (
While at first it seemed that perhaps it was not an actual change of direction, but only an embarrassing affair with the ?wild beast? itself, it now appears quite plainly that the WT no longer states that the UN is the ?wild beast? and even further, that it would only be speculation to say who it would be to launch a future attack on the Watchtower organization! This, coupled with an odd suggestion by Bethel leader Ciro Aulicino in October 2001 that the Muslims may very well be part of the ?king of the North? that will turn and attack Jehovah?s people! (The "King of the North" is generally identified as the United Nations; more specifically as a totalitarian element of it.) Yet Ciro was one of the directors who actually signed on with the United Nations as an NGO representative! Talk about duplicity and confusion at Bethel!
For a full treatment on the Watchtower's identity of the "King of the North" and "King of the South," read this article.
Ciro Aulicino?s lecture can be listened to here.
In this issue we do not review their past hatred for the United Nations, but the major about?face reflected in the Watchtower of June 1, 2003, where they say it is wrong to speculate who the king of the North represents (after years of asserting such things themselves).
When you also read about the attempt to sway European governments to accept the WT as a bona-fide religion by stating deceptively that they have no laws against blood transfusions, and that they have no laws against voting for political office (see Free Minds Journal, Fall 1999, Jul/Sep 2000, and May/Oct 2002 issues), it is obvious that Bethel and its legal advisors have been courting individual nations, special interest groups and even the United Nations themselves for favor and mutual cooperation. The advantage to them: new members and financial aid, from none others than the government entities themselves!
The Watchtower has become truly apostate from their doctrinal stance of only a few years ago on many CRITICAL issues that previously identified them as ?the only true Christians.? They have become part of the world that they have condemned for the last 120 years, and have even taken upon themselves their own ?mark of the beast? by associating with the United Nations! Add to that their denial of any complicity in the tolerance of sexual abusers of children in their midst (Journal, Jan/Mar 2001 and beyond), even allowing such to go door-to-door, one can see that the days of the Watchtower Society as we know it are numbered. How appropriate are the words of Dan 3:26: ?God has numbered [the days of] your kingdom and has finished it.? (1984 Watchtower Reference Bible)
Criteria for association with the United Nations as an NGO:
a) The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the United Nations;
b) The NGO must be of recognized national or international standing;
c) The NGO should operate solely on a non-for-profit basis and have tax-exempt status;
d) The NGO must have the commitment and the means to conduct effective information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and pamphlets; organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; or enlisting the attention of the media;
e) The NGO should have an established record of continuity of work for a minimum of three years and should show promise of sustained activity in the future;
f) The NGO should have a satisfactory record of collaboration with UN Information Centres/Services or other parts of the UN System prior to association;
g) The NGO should provide an audited annual financial statement, conducted by a qualified, independent accountant;
h) The NGO should have statutes/bylaws providing for a transparent process of taking decisions, elections of officers and members of the Board of Directors.
Randy Watters