How has your marriage been affected by leaving the WTS?

by Leander 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leander

    It's been exactly 2 years since I stopped attending JW meetings and it's taken a toll on my marriage. I expected as much but I guess you can never really prepare for the pain you have to go through when one mate no longer believes in the same things they once did. I think my wife has honestly tried hard (as have I) to make the relationship work but I think we're both realizing that there are some really large issues before us that will never be resolved.

    How have things work out in your marriage since leaving the Org?

  • Simon

    It was very tough when I was leaving and Angharad wasn't but now that we're both out we have never been happier. You have more time for each other and the family which makes a big difference. Yes, you are together when going to the meetings but you are not together.

    Plus, we have a lot more hanky pankey now

  • shotgun

    Have you seen Titanic?

  • Leander

    I feel like the lead actor in Titanic. The cold water is closing in on me.

  • shotgun

    Do you have kids?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Husband flat out told me that if I leave our marriage would not survive.


  • blondie

    My husband and I left together. I think it all depends how much your spouse looks to the organization for direction as opposed to you.

    I am finding Steve Hassan's book Combatting Cult Mind Control very interesting. It has shed some light on the problems when one spouse wakes up to the situation and the other does not. There are some good suggestions as how to get them to look at things differently.

    Sorry to hear about the division.


  • Puternut

    Lost everything.... Wife, kids, family, friends, house, bankrupt.............

  • nobody told me
    nobody told me

    Leaving the WTS and going through a divorce at the same time was some of the worst hell I've ever been through. When you leave your an enemy of the Wts. They are like sharks finding blood in water. I thought i would never recover.

    Being re-married with NO Watchtower is like heaven. Stress is less, sex is better, money is better, time together is better, family life is just plain better. There is nothing like sleeping in on Sunday morning and feeling great about it.

  • Leander

    Fortunately I don't have any kids. Thats actually one of our biggest issues, I really want to have children but I don't want them to be brainwashed by the religion. Of course my wife sees things the exact opposite. What makes this so difficult is that I love her, but I know we're never going to come to terms on our issues.

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