If Puter can ask your Opinion.. Let me too..

by Sassy 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi Sassy,

    Your black hair has grown on me after looking at your new avatar for a couple days, so now I really like your black hair too and the hairstyle really suits you too! Very nice!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Honey, with those sparkly eyes and sweet smile, you could have neon green hair and still be beautiful! But I say the black..I agree that it is very exotic and flattering.

  • frenchbabyface

    Dark hair Looks very pretty on you Sassy, red or black ... but I don't know why blond just doesn't not fit (I don't know why)

    Edited to add ... I've looked back and maybe it's only because of the picture itself cause your eyes looks same color than everything on the pic (I don't know if it is clear enought to be understood)

  • little witch
    little witch

    Something is lossed with the blonde...not sure what...BUT

    How bout Black Cherry? Black with very definate red undertones?

  • Xena

    I like the cut and color on the black...although the red is cute too.

  • stillajwexelder

    definitely at your cutest when you have darker hair Sassy - you look great blonde but even better when darker

  • JH

    I'll take one of each.

  • neyank

    You look good with each color.

    But if one has to be picked, then auburn it is.


  • Cicatrix

    Hi Sassy,

    It's nice to meet another "chameleon" lol. I like the darker colors on you better, the blonde seems to make you look washed out. I would LOVE to have the natural brunette coloring you have!!

    I've been trying to get that color for years, but it's ends up very reddish every time I try, even when I use an ash color.I've tried leaving the medium ash browns on for a longer time, then my hair ends up almost black (I can't pull off black hair like you can) then fades to red in about two weeks (even using shampoo for colored hair)-arrggh!

    For the past few years, I've been using Feria's "cherry cordial". It's a medium ash brown with red highlights. Unfortunately, as usual, my hair picks up the red more than the brunette.

    I wish my hair would go white. I just love white hair. Although mine would probably just be more yellow than white, lol.

  • LittleToe

    Sassy:Auburn and brunette (especially brunette).

    Blacksheep:You were talking about her head, right?

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