money you are going to donate to JW??????
Before you get baptised do you have to declare how much....
by farmer 15 Replies latest jw friends
Max Divergent
No. You never have to declare how much you earn, give or anything else. The 'enouragement' to give or give more is ever present.
how do they "encourage " you. what happens if you dont give?
If you dont give they remove brain cells
No, the WTS does not demand to know your financial standing to get baptized. Some JWs do flaunt their holdings in order to be considered for privileges in the WTS.
Now organizations like the LDS (Mormons) and other groups that tithe may do that in order to determine your fair share.
Why have you started all these threads asking questions about the JWs? Do you fancy telling us something about yourself?
(oh and Welcome! )
i ask these questions because my bro in laws gf is going to be baptised in the new year,
i have posted stuff about it before and asked questions
most members of the family believe that her getting involved in the jw will cause some sort of trouble,
my bro in law doesnt want to join and is under the impression that he wont have to, i am not so sure and just want to find out as much as i can
It's gonna cause short, medium, and long term ructions in your family, sorry to say.
They may not demand a set amount of money, but they are regular in making tacit requests for it.
In this area, as in so many others, they are good at making you feel like you aren't doing / giving enough.
my bro in law doesnt want to join and is under the impression that he wont have to, i am not so sure and just want to find out as much as i can
Yes, farmer, they will pressure him and her to have him join. They will not want her to marry an unbeliever (I get the drift they aren't married--gf (girlfriend)) If he won't become a JW, they will encourage her to drop him and marry a JW.
Blondie (been there, done that, woops that's right I didn't drop him)
unbeliever = corpse
marrying unbeliever is deliberately disobeying WTS/God
yea they are not married yet but are getting married this year so she can be baptised.
they have been told that because my bro in law never was a jw it isnt a problem for her to marry him