Oops, is that WMD we just Found in Iraq????????
by Leolaia 72 Replies latest social current
shell + sarin = weaponized WMD?
Click on the bolded word "news" that should bring you to the start of the news article.
That is a weapon of mass destruction.
Pity we were all told that there were huge stockpiles that posed a threat; weaponS.
The s is important...
No doubt there will be a certain amount of told-you-so-i-tus, but as there are no stoockpiles the intelligence still wasn't very intelligent...
Special K
Thanks frankispeakin.. I clicked on News and there was the story.
Very interesting indeed.
I see Simon has started a topic thread on this as well.
Special K
Weird thing about the link because when you click to the story, it's exactly the same url that I posted.
Yeah, he beat me to the punch by 30 seconds....
Yes, I posted one just before this:
As I have posted there, I think the important bit is:
However, a senior coalition source has told the BBC the round does not signal the discovery of weapons of mass destruction or the escalation of insurgent activity.
He said the round dated back to the Iran-Iraq war and coalition officials were not sure whether the fighters even knew what it contained.
So, no ... it's not a WoMD find and not the evidence to justify the war.
"...a senior coalition source has told the BBC "
I just hate it when they don't name names. In fact, you could almost write anything.....