wasasister. Far from "jumping" on anything I simply reported the facts as presented in the news releases and also echoed the analysis that I have heard from every news source - that this is NO proof of WoMD and is just a left-over shell.
Lets keep moving the "goal posts". Fact is that sarin, especially the 155 mm binary shell, is defined as a WMD by the UN. The liquids in binary shell, when fired, will mix to form deadly sarin gas - 3 to 4 litres. Its nasty stuff in the right environment. Whether or not the shell was before or after GW1 is a mute point. Under UN resolutions Sadam was prescribed to account for all of his WMDs. Sadam said to the world (including Dan Rather) that he had accounted for all of his WMDs. But the facts are that the coalition has found this binary Sarin shell, a mustard gas shell and others. Sadam was in violation of the UN resolution on WMDs. hawk