First gay couples wed in US state

by ignored_one 96 Replies latest social current

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Finding love in this world is hard enough. If two consenting adults find love together, and are willing to put in the time and effort to commit to each other, then I say good for them!

    Being a proponent of Traditional Christianity, I wonder what path, as a Nation, we are really going down...

    My Bible says something about how Christians should not judge others, but leave that up to God.

  • ThiChi

    Big Tex: Wow, you must own a very small bible... Using your logic, then you must disredard many scriptures on this and other subjects the Bible deals with, regarding conduct. I belive you are twisting the scriptures on the Subject of Judgement. Lets see, Should I listen to you or the apostle Paul? PS: I made no claim regarding Judgement at all, why put words in my mouth?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thi Chi, you seem to be following me around and I do not know why.

    I have said many times on this board, and I will say again, that I cannot in good conscience sit in judgment on others. If you feel otherwise, so be it.

    As for my Bible being "small", I was simply quoting this scripture from Matt. 7:1:

    "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

    Your statement gave me the impression you found fault with homosexuals and gay marriage. Was I mistaken?

  • CountryGuy
    I heard on the radio this morning that Maine officially has legalized gay marrages now.

    Darn it!!! Vermont. San Francisco. Massachusets. And now Maine.

    Why can't some pleace that's closer to me do this???? I would love to marry the man I love, again! This time with legal recognition.


  • Stefanie

    I noticed that also Big Tex..

  • CountryGuy

    Being a proponent of Traditional Christianity, I wonder what path, as a Nation, we are really going down...

    You know TC, I gotta think that in a world that is filled with so much hate and violence that any expression of love would be refreshing to Christians. After all, isn't that the underlying theme of the Bible?

    L O V E

    Ahh, what a great thing it is!

  • scotsman

    ThiChi loves this topic. He's never been able to stay away from it in the past.

  • Yerusalyim

    ...and so it begins...the cat is out of the bag, I doubt it can be put back in. I want to marry two sisters...can I get a license for that?

  • Angharad

    Two people making a loving commitment to each other - Oh no the end of the world / downfall of society !!!! GET REAL!

    Good luck to them !!!!

    Hopefully more states will follow suit soon

  • scotsman

    Yeru, you might have to wait a few years for that. Can you hold on?

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