you had a child after leaving the borg?
In other words, have you had a child outside the organization and had a hard time recconciling the life you had as a kid in the truth with the kind of life you are now providing for your own child?
by Perry 11 Replies latest jw friends
you had a child after leaving the borg?
In other words, have you had a child outside the organization and had a hard time recconciling the life you had as a kid in the truth with the kind of life you are now providing for your own child?
I think this is a wonderful question!
I don't fit in this directly. But my daughter, now almost 20, was raised a JW until 13 when her JW mother ran off with a work-mate. I was an MS at the time. The girl stayed with me. After three years she could not stand the JW's anymore and saw through them. I felt it was wrong to force the girl to go, even through I was in good standing. The elders would tell me to threaten her and make her go because she lived with me. I would tell them I was working on it, but I was not! I did not think God was an extortioner but wanted the willing! After another year of this I started to get out myself. Now my ex went back in and now both me, who was baptized, and my daughter, who was never baptized, are evil! The poor and unchristain behavior of the JW"s caused us both to see them for the phonys they are.
I suspect the back stabbing, two-face behavior of the JW's would turn off any children or mates of ex JW's! Best thing the JW's can do is be their old hate fulled selves! Maverick
Perry, so glad your you were pregneant and had a baby that's why you left us for so long!
Your comment is true in my case and she was born and still is learning the JW ways from her mother. I soften the teaching as best I can and try to teach her love, compasion and understanding for all mankind instead of a select organization.
I can't speak for myself, but one of my friends had left "the troof" when she was 16 or 17, married a worldly guy, had three kids. Well her parents were bugging her to "come back in the Truth" so eventually her husband started studying with someone, she came back, pioneered, raised her kids as Witnesses (her kids were ages 3 and 5 when she first came back) and was a good Dub for many a years. Eventually though, she grew disgusted at all the political crap that was going on in the Hall, plus she came to realize that alot of the doctrines were crap too. She and her husband did the slow drift away but both her kids were grown by this point and married to Witness girls. As a result of my friends celebrating Christmas (they haven't gone to the Hall in 15 years) and doing a few other "worldly" things, neither of their kids will have much to do with their own parents now and will not even let them have their grandchildren for the weekend, even though the grandkids love them dearly.
Needless to say, my friend curses the day she ever went back to the Hall and hates that she raised her kids in this religion. Had she never gone back, her family would not be going through this horrific ordeal and she of course, would have full access to her grandchildren. She's not DF'd but she sure is treated like she is.
I had 2 kids born and raised in the troof thil they were 10 and 6.
I had two other babies not at all in the troof. I wasnt raised in org but did get baptised at 17..
I guess what i am trying to type is that the babies seen to be doing better at this age then the older two were doing when they were their age being forced to sit through meetings and out in the hot sun for sevice.
My children will never have to "study" books illustrated with horrific pictures of a bunch of "worldly" people being destroyed.
They're more free than the child I was.... now you've got me thinking, Perry...
Is this a hint?
Is this a hint?
Since I got married last Valentines Day we find ourselves talking about kids all the time now. I'm a little worried that as I raise a child I'm going to be even more weirded out by my "raised in the truth" experience with all its accompanying emotional, traditional, and familial deprivations. I was simply wondering if any who've gone before me have had their eyes opened in a new way after raising a child .... post WT. Thanks for all the comments folks.
Thanks Shotgun!
I was raised in da troof, out at 39 -- one child from my first marriage, and one from my second. The first one did go to meetings when she was really young, but doesn't seem to remember them much any more.
The first thing I had to do was get accustomed to the birthday and holiday celebrations. I had to realize I wasn't going to get struck by lightning for singing "happy birthday" to my sister or for exchanging presents at Christmastime, or for attending a 4th of July parade.
I don't have a strong emotional connection to the holidays and birthdays myself, but I see how fun it is for my first child. It looks so fun for her, it just HAS to be right.
My second child will be raised without any exposure to JW or ex-JW things at all. She'll only learn later all that I went through. In the meantime she'll have her friends and they'll do their fun holiday and birthday things, and we'll do them together as a family too. It'll be very enjoyable for her, and that will make me enjoy it.
Being exposed to the JW culture made perfectly normal things (like most holidays) seem sinful. They deliberately built needless walls around us to keep us in their spiritual fortress. The psychic shock from years of such indoctrination takes a long time to fade. Thank goodness our children won't be have to be stressed out over such innocent things and won't have to be singled out as "different" just to serve some pseudo-religious publishing house.