I feel the same...My son is 6 now, and I get him on breaks. I'm still getting used to holidays myownself, so I concentrate on just having fun with him and dropping little hints on certain days ("Make sure you're extra nice to mom tomorrow" "Why?" "You're supposed to be...and that's what everyone else will be doing tomorrow with their moms")
Did you flip out when...
by Perry 11 Replies latest jw friends
In other words, have you had a child outside the organization and had a hard time recconciling the life you had as a kid in the truth with the kind of life you are now providing for your own child?
hmmmm I can't say "reconciling" would be a word that comes to mind in this regard. I will admit to sometimes being a bit jealous of the life my daughter leads as compared to mine at her age.
But all in all, I find myself smiling often at the thought of how much better her childhood is than mine, or that of the average witness kid. Of course, since plenty of never-witness kids have shitty lives due to their parents, one has to shoot for alot more than just not raising their child with JW influence.