Going home

by desib77 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77

    Great pictures, Stephanie...

    hehe, now I want to go to your home, too.....


  • sunshineToo

    I was born and raised in South Korea until 16. Then my family moved to the U.S.A. 19 years ago. We've been living in the same city for 19 years now. Out of 19 since I spent 12 1/2 with the jws, this town has more ties (as far as memory wise) to the jws than anything. But I'm trying to change that: building a new life. I got married to a wonderful man. We just bought our first home, and we are expecting our first child. So far life has been so good since I left the cult.

  • gumby
    You may end up passing through or close to my home on the way back to yours.....be sure to wave for me.

    I'll be in a jetliner though I'll wave anyways.


  • desib77



  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Lived in the New England area for a very long time and miss it terribly. Many times I think of moving back. Miss it, miss it, miss it.


  • Country_Woman

    I was raised in Loosduinen, a little village near (now a subburn)- of The Haque, then is was rural - now it is just a large city. It is so different - I would never be "home" there again.

    In fact, where I am living now, is more like it was those days then Loosduinen now.

  • Carmel

    I do attend my class reunions as the "worldlies" meant much more to me than the JUU's. Most of my class though has found greener pastures so "home" is where I am.

    carmel of the "Universal Citizen" klass

  • orangefatcat

    I was born in Scarborough Ontario and now I live in the town of Newmarket which is about 30 miles from us so its not all that far but I have no interest in living there anymore. I like the town we live in though it is slowly becoming a city as our population is around 100,000. When my parents moved up to this area the population in 1968 was just under 10,000. Its a population explosion here and they keep killing off the animals because they destroy forests for housing developments and it has gotten completely out of hand.

    I did live in Montreal from 1970 - 1984 and I loved that city and although its been years since I lived there I would still just like to see how the city has changed in the last 20 years.

    Good grief all of a sudden I feel old

    Well I will stay here as I am content for now.

    Love Orangefatcat

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