New Wave JW's . . . I sort of got a chuckle out of this one.

by Corvin 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Corvin
    It makes no sense to me because if they believe that they are "in the Truth", then they have to believe that the WTBS is truly "The Faithful And Discreet Slave".

    It appears that most of these New-wave JW's are teaching that the great apostasy did not occur in the first century, but that it is due to take place soon in our generation . . . it is too stupid to go into, but that is how they justify biding their time in the org waiting in the wings to take control when it all goes south.


  • Corvin
    that these contributors to the E-watchman thread are in transistion, and struggling with the unpleasant facts about their ``Mama" and her warts, that are beginning to come into focus

    Yes, this is also known as "denial" and "delusion".

    Although, I must admit that for a while, when I thought about going back, I thought I had made some major distinctions that would help me to help others in ways the majority of elders simply were not. I found ways of applying Bible counsel that would show some real insight and maturity. What was wrong with my reason was that I actually thought I could go back and exercise such insight . . . I would have been kicked out so fast . . . I was merely hanging onto the dream . . . I was deluding myself.


  • Corvin
    Corvin, I'm glad to see that I actually disagree with you on something here. I was starting to wonder if you had some weird sway with me. Its that sexy crow-like avatar you've got. Phew, I'm still my own person.

    LOL, Snap, it's OK to dissagree even if it is with me. I have simply lost my charisma.


  • Kenneson

    Sounds like a splinter group in the making.

  • M.J.

    These New Wave dudes are probablly not much different than these guys:

    After Pastor Russell's death, The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society began to rise as a hierarchy over the once independent congregations. Many refused to surrender their Christian liberty and here started the work of separation. As early as 1917 this exodus from the Society began, and those who appreciated the wonderful harmony of the Bible as taught by Pastor Russell are today known as "Associated Bible Students."

    The following doctrines are an example as to how Bible Students still retain the basic teachings of Pastor Russell in contrast with "Jehovah's Witnesses," who do not. ...

    Same thing, different day.
  • uriah

    If you really want to see the end result of e-watchaclevermaniam-no-reallyiam then take a look
    at this link

    This is the history of some bod just like e-as-aboveman

  • gidgetgirl

    You do know that no one gets das associated anymore, right? Not since 1988-89. Somewhere in there. Only if you are baptized, and gave your life to Jehovah, then if you comit unrepented sin, then you are disfellowshipped. Gidget girl.

    I also want to say, that it is very scary to know that someone who is recently baptized is really an apostate. If you are waiting for people to fall to snatch them up, that's not loving. Thats sneaky. It makes for unsettling feelings. Gidgetgirl.

  • gidgetgirl

    I am one horrid speller. I ment dis- associated.

  • trumangirl

    I too went thru ewatchman mode for a while - 'transitional thinking". I couldn't keep up the facade, it was stressful, unrewarding and so I chose to fade.

    What gets me is, how can someone be newly baptised while being a secret 'new wave' witness? They would have to lie to the elders asking the baptisamal questions in relation to things like 1914.

    Also, they would have to have a good publisher record. They would have to be going door-to-door offering the mags that are full of beliefs they no longer believe in! An experienced JW could get away with avoiding mag placements and just placing the odd brochure that they do like, but I don't see how a new publisher could get away with that without arousing suspicion.

    If they really believe the WT will fail, why are they boosting it by going on field service?

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