Report: U.S. Mistakenly fires on Wedding Party in Iraq

by dubla 88 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    s'ok ... I just see the helpless condition people are in and it makes me angry. Little bodies wrapped up contrasting with 'official' denials and politics just makes the blood boil.

    I think some sympathy and empathy would do far more in the "war against terror" than billions in arms and thosands of bombs.

    ((( Cassi )))

    I think it's probably a "parent" thing.

  • Cassiline
    s'ok ... I just see the helpless condition people are in and it makes me angry. Little bodies wrapped up contrasting with 'official' denials and politics just makes the blood boil.

    There is no excuse when innocents are killed IMO. And you are right, we will never know the real story.


  • Realist


    the US dropped bombs on two weddings in afghanistan.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Is that what war mongers refer to as casualties of war?


  • Realist

    no, this is what they refer to as colateral damage

  • ThiChi

    ""Coalition forces came under hostile fire and called for support from the air. After the strike, coalition forces recovered numerous weapons, foreign passports, a SATCOM radio and two million Iraqi and Syrian dinars, military officials said.""

    Must of been some wedding!

  • Cassiline

    two million Iraqi and Syrian dinars

    I think it fair to point out this equals only about 7,700 US or 8,800 EURO dollars.( if the calculator is correct) It was supossed to be a wedding. Do they not give gifts? And the guns are no surprise whatsoever IMO. The radio sounds strange but I will wait for more reports.


  • patio34

    Well, this is a surprise. I can see the military's side on this. From what I read, the revelers were firing guns in the air at 2:45 a.m. and the military thought they were being fired on. It makes sense, but it's being investigated.

    Now, however, has anyone read the New Yorker articles or Newsweek on how high the responsibility may go for the setting aside of Geneva Conventions and that allegedly led to the abuse of the Iraqis? Both are on the net.

    As Yeru said "let's wait for the facts to come out." There seem to be more and more facts a'coming.

    One interesting thing in the New Yorker was that torturers make lousy combat soldiers and that they're hated in the military. The normal military is repulsed by individuals like this. Both Newsweek and New Yorker make the point that this happened by a change in the military intelligence and dealing with alleged terrorists.

    But, I'm digressing from the point of the thread. Sorry. I didn't want to start a new hot thread on these two reports. They both seem well written (I liked Newsweek best) and have a lot of information.

    The UPI* ran an article this week alleging that there are 3 major groups going against Bush, et al.: The Army (also see the 5/17 Army Times; the CIA; and the conservative Republicans in Congress. It said that each one alone ain't chopped liver; but taken together they make a grand slam.

    Since I've sworn off political threads (oops! I've slipped), I won't be checking or answering this. And I feel that these things would be contended and I'm not defending them, just pointing them out.



    *Army, CIA want torture truths exposed
    United Press International - May 18, 2004
    ... They are able to do so because many senior veteran professionals in both the CIA and the Army were disgusted by the revelations of the torture excesses. ...

  • Valis
    Since I've sworn off political threads (oops! I've slipped)

    Who else thinks patio needs a right good spanking?


    District Overbeer

  • patio34

    Ouch! 5 whacks with a wet noodle for this--lol.


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