Does the jelly mould theory hold water?

by barbar 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • barbar

    I recall the idea that just like a jelly mould that has a dent all of the jellies will also be dented. Therefore just as Adam was imperfect we to would have the imperfection.

    If a cook makes a Faulty Jelly, is it the jelly that would be blamed? No, it is the Cook for using sub-standard tools or materials.

    The same is true with Adam, the faulty materials should have been replaced immediately, it is no good blaming the offspring of Adam and making them pay for his faults.

    I never could understand the suggestion that we had to pay for Adams sin.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I dont know about jello molds, but I have a nasty dent on the corner of my bunt cake mold, and yes, every cake I bake has a big ol' dent in it :smile:

    I refuse to buy a new one though, that way when I go to parties I always bring cake, and everyone knows I made it

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    how can something bad come from something as good as God? how was Satan even able to think about anything bad if there was only good? to me, free will should have only been within the realm of good. you can choose from anything and everything, but since bad doesn't exist and CAN'T exist, then you can't choose it... that's what i try to wrap my Christian mind around. unfortunately, i dont get to speak to God, but i hope i'll be able to understand it one day.


  • Gopher

    Somehow I remember this as the "dent in the cake pan" theory -- but it's all the same.

    You're right, no baker would continue to use a damaged mold.

    The JW's interpretation is that God had a "universal issue of sovereignty" to settle, and only by allowing Satan to go ahead and ruin life for everyone (which was the only possible outcome and God knew it), could the "issue" be settled once and for all. Then any future challenge to God's sovereignty could be immediately squashed!

    Wouldn't it be sad if this were true, that all this suffering and nonsense that's happening is because we're pawns in some game of spiritual chess between God and Satan?

    And BTW, hasn't it been long enough already? Hasn't the failure of "Satan" been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt? If so, what is God waiting for? Why doesn't he bring about the termination of evil immediately? What would it prove to allow even more suffering, disease and war?

  • ApagaLaLuz
    You're right, no baker would continue to use a damaged mold.

    Hey, I resemble that remark. They would if they selfishly use it as a trademark

    by the way, I think it tastes better with a dent in it

  • TD

    The "Jelly Mold" is a classic example of misuse of analogy.

    Analogies help us to grasp the principles of specific phenomenon. For example, you might explain the flow of electricity to a child by comparing it to water flowing through a pipe. Or you might explain the relationship of pistons, connecting rods and the crankshaft of an engine by comparing it to a bicyclist pedaling a bike.

    The point here is the established phenomenon must exist first and then and only then comes your attempt to explain by comparison with something else.

    With the "Jelly Mold" this process is backwards and it doesn't work that way. In other words, the analogy is composed prior to the identification of any specific phenomenon. Even if we assume just for the sake of discussion that the Genesis account is true, what exactly changed in Adam when he sinned? What actually is "perfection." Nobody knows and that's the problem. Concocting analogies to explain the unknown is just plain backwards.

  • truthseeker1

    "How can something bad come from something as good as God?"

    God created everything, including the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. God created evil. The tree was there before satan tricked eve into eating it.

  • SixofNine

    *does obeisance to Chevys*

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Hey!! Are You Calling Me Fat?????

  • SixofNine

    Phat like Buddha baby! my Lord. *cowers*


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