Does the jelly mould theory hold water?

by barbar 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • funkyderek
    I recall the idea that just like a jelly mould that has a dent all of the jellies will also be dented. Therefore just as Adam was imperfect we to would have the imperfection.

    An experiment to test this hypothesis.

    You will need:

    A hacksaw
    A working reproductive system
    A willing fertile member of the opposite sex.
    Candles, lubricant, romantic music, alcohol as required

    Using the hacksaw, saw your leg off below the knee. Bandage until the bleeding stops.

    Take the willing fertile member of the opposite sex and perform the act of love. Repeat until one of you is pregnant.

    Wait approximately nine months. When a baby is born, examine it to see if it is missing one of its lower legs. (If it is, then the jelly mould theory may be accurate. To confirm, saw off the other leg and repeat the experiment.) If not, then it's clearly a load of old phooey.

  • dorothy

    So if I person is "dented" we know they're from God??? (hee hee)

  • ApagaLaLuz
    So if I person is "dented" we know they're from God??? (hee hee)

    Dorothy does make a good point. What if someone is "bent" wouldnt that mean they're from God as well?

  • metatron

    It always used to bother me that Witnesses accept simple metaphors without thinking.

    What is this cake/jelly mold supposed to be in the real world? Is it a human genome? A genetic code?

    And in regard to Christ's sacrifice, why was that important? If you ask, you're given a metaphor about scales

    and divine justice - that all means nothing. I concluded that the Ransom must have been a 'test-track' demonstration

    intended to 'prove' the human design was worth keeping.

    At this point, I'm not sure that a 'perfect' human genome ever existed. If such a thing is possible, science should be able

    to find it eventually - and that hope is a lot more concrete than any Watchtower promise.


  • barbar

    I was only thinking about this yesterday.

    If I made a Jelly from a dented mould, it would not be the jelly that was wrong, it would be me. If I wanted pefect Jellies then I should replace the mould. It would foolish to use a damaged mould then expect anything different than a damaged Jelly.

    All doctors know that it is better to treat them problem not the symtoms, so if Adam was "faulty" then he should have been removed and a new one in place

  • hamsterbait


    Any architect, aerospace engineer, or ship designer who killed so many people because of residents pilots passengers or crew no t following a tiny instruction would be in prison.

    The capability to do evil was also put there. God could have done the three rules of robotics like Asimov but didn't.

    Even the grass eating wolves (pre flood) had the ability to become skilled hunters and killers after the deluge, as did certain whales too.

    If my little girl was suffering because her cake mold kept screwing things up, what loving father wouldn't just say, try making biscuits?


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