Hi all - another newbie!!!

by bull01lay 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to the board Bull, it's really nice to have you here.

    Helluva story you have to tell. It makes me realise how lucky I have been.

    You seem to be handling it ok now and that is great.

    A sense of humour is a terrible thing to waste - how I managed to keep mine stifled all those years I'll never know - but now it's free, rawcous, lewd, and sometimes plain sick!! Hope y'all will be able to cope with it!!
    ...and we are all looking forward to hearing plenty of Bull to liven things up around here.
  • gidgetgirl

    it sounds to me that you had your own issues with Jehovah. You and you girlfiend commited gross imoral sin, then lied to cover it up. You felt like you couldnt talk to anyone because you lied. But in the bible it says better to marry then to commit fornication. (in other words). So you married. Your wife also had her issues. Maybe if you had been honest you could have avoided alot of the hardship you went through. Just like King David who commited fornication, and murder. He was forgiven, but he still had to live with the consequences of his actions. He had troouble all the days of his life. But Jehovah forgave him and never stopped loving him. Just like if someone committed fornication and contracted Aids, but then came back to Jehovah. Jehovah would forgive him, but he would still have Aids. Dont blame other people for your mistakes. Maybe if Adam and Eve had both took responsability for their actions and said they were sorry, we would not be in this mess today. Eve blamed the serpent, and Adam blamed God for making Eve.

    You were young. When you are young you make mistakes. It happens. I wish you would pray to Jehovah and ask forgiveness. I promise he will forgive you. read Draw Close To Jehovah, section 4. It is awesome. It changed my life. I was raised in the truth, ran away when I was 14, Had a baby when I was 16, married a man out of the truth, I really could go on... But here I am, doing what is right. When you ask forgiveness, you can not beat yourself up continuesly about it. Jehovah forgives and moves on. If Jehovah forgives us, then who are we not to forgive ourselves? Think about it and Pray to Jehovah.


  • bull01lay

    Hi gidgetgirl, thanks for youropinion, and caring words.

    I kinda feel that you missed the point a little there though - not once have I blamed someone else in my story for my mistakes, and I take full responsibility for them. I couldn't have posted such an 'exposing ' story if I hadn't accepted reponsibility.

    My biggest issue here, is that during an emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically distressing time, instead of hearing my words and listening to my views, and offering much needed support, I was given a firing squad!!! As one other member commented - "it appears they already had their mind made up" and they had.

    Just to add to the story too, I did challenge the decision, and had an appeal committee to sit through too. I poured my heart out to them, explaining why I could not go back to such a destructive, manipulative relationship, only for them to say at the end of it "we understand your feelings, and can see why you cannot return to your wife. However, we are not here to overturn the decision of the elders, just to hear your side of events! What a complete Fing waste of time!!! I might as well have saved myself the indignity and embarrassment of talking to complete strangers about intimate sides of my life, and just walked away.

    A while after my DF'ing, another 'pebble' commented to my Mum how my wife had told him that 'she was going to do everything in her power to make sure I was DF'd'. Who knows what other things she told them - true or untrue

    Satan is after all of us right??? Well, he used a very powerful tool to get me (if indeed that is what means by not being a member of the JW Organisation) and if he wants me that bad - Good on him. At least someone does!!!!

  • LittleToe

    Is it just me, or aree there a lot of JW apologists arriving at the site, recently, trying to tell us all how wrong we are before getting half a clue where we are?
    Must be a moon-phase, or something...

    When you use the name "Jehovah" do you mean "God" or the "Watchtower Society" (WTS)??

    You really should investigate the organization that you support.
    It'll do you the world of good, if you have the objectivity to honestly do so.
    Disbelief, that they can get up to such shenanigans and be so false, is a huge thing. However, I feel sure that if you have the fortitude, you'll see why I made such a recommendation...

  • Kenneson

    Hello Bull,

    If you're a friend of LT you can't go wrong. He's a great fellow and will surely steer you correctly. Welcome to the forum.

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