Well everyone, I am a bit down tonight. I don't know if ya'll remember but a good friend of mine dies in January. Now her husband, whom I am even closer to as I have known him longer is also going through a bad spell. She dies of cancer. He has cancer also and now his heart is trying to repel all the chemo and so he has been suffering heart attacks off and on since Sunday. He has had three now and is in the ICU. I am going to fall apart if this man dies. He is a best friend, a father figure, the one person in the world I can count on to cheer me up when all seems lost. I love him and hope like hell he pulls through this.
A Little Down Tonight
by copsec 28 Replies latest jw friends
I wish him well, Copsec. There's a lot of that going around these days.
I got an e-mail last night from a former employee. Her hubby recently had surgery to remove his vocal cords because of throat cancer. His prognosis had been good. He was still having trouble swallowing solid food, though, and went back for more surgery to enlarge his esophogus so that he could swallow comfortably. The doctors discovered last week that his cancer has spread, and they give his odds at less than 10% for survival. The VA will now do nothing for him, quoting a policy that requires them to pass on all cases with less than a 25% chance of recovery. So now they wait ... for whatever may come.
So sorry to hear this copsec....
I do hope he is better by the morrow-it will take alot out of him (_the chemo-)one minit they can look real bad- but the next day they can bounce back ....
Hang in there!!!
((Copsec)) Hoping for the best for your friend.
I'm very sorry to hear this Copsec...I so hope he pulls through. I'm wishing you both the very best.
I hope he gets better and I hope you have the strength to see him thru it...
Where are you in relation to Missouri???
Take care...
how sad copsec, I will think about you and your friend in my prayers ((((((hugs)))))))))))
sorry Copsec.. I was feeling sorry for myself earlier.......but the stuff you are going through pales in comparison.........
Hang in there......and we are here for you