((((Copsec)))) I am so sorry you are going thru this. I hope that he pulls thru this , I know you must be a great comfort to him right now, even if you are so heartbroken......., Dede
A Little Down Tonight
by copsec 28 Replies latest jw friends
the one person in the world I can count on to cheer me up when all seems lost.
Well, I hope at least us here can cheer you up a little bit?
I hope he improves, this is a difficult time.
(((Copsec))) What a difficult and emotional time you are going through. You don't want to think the worst, yet you do have to prepare yourself. You've already lost a dear friend, so you know the pain. The highs and lows of this life are what make us who we are. Whatever happens, you will survive this and you will grow from it.
I do hope that your friend survives and that he can remain a part of your life. I know you don't wish him to suffer. We just don't have control. We do have hope!
I hope he pulls through C, he sounds like a good guy whose had a real bad time :(
I am so sorry for you, copsec. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
I do wish your friend would have a better day today.
Thank you everyone for your thoughts. I am on my way to the hospital to see him right now. They are letting visitors in again so i am hoping that's a good sign. Thanks all of you for caring so much. it really helped. Love to you all!
I hope everything is ok
copsec...I know how it feels to lose friends and family....I hope things turn out for the best with your friend