They doubt the answer's they proclaim with such conviction and energy. Even more so as the bastion's of thier faith have been kicked out from under them ie; 1914, the generation not passing away, etc.
I believe it is no longer the answer's but simply the social aspect of jw life that keeps them going. A club steeped in mystic memories of Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz. Somehow I believe that they are awaiting a coming convention or 'new release' that will once again offer up another 1975.
They will gobel up anything the so called FDS throws at them, just in case there may be a tidbit, a morsel they can hang thier entire life upon. They are so dupe, so mind warped, they cannot see the futility. If they would wake up, many Iam afraid would simply not be able to handle it.
What an incidious, wicked organization this Watchtower is!
All based upon some white haired habadasher's soothing saying what he thought god was saying 100 yrs ago.
Damn.They know they don't have any answers!