Time to get on with it

by onacruse 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    They doubt the answer's they proclaim with such conviction and energy. Even more so as the bastion's of thier faith have been kicked out from under them ie; 1914, the generation not passing away, etc.

    I believe it is no longer the answer's but simply the social aspect of jw life that keeps them going. A club steeped in mystic memories of Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz. Somehow I believe that they are awaiting a coming convention or 'new release' that will once again offer up another 1975.

    They will gobel up anything the so called FDS throws at them, just in case there may be a tidbit, a morsel they can hang thier entire life upon. They are so dupe, so mind warped, they cannot see the futility. If they would wake up, many Iam afraid would simply not be able to handle it.

    What an incidious, wicked organization this Watchtower is!

    All based upon some white haired habadasher's soothing saying what he thought god was saying 100 yrs ago.

    Damn.They know they don't have any answers!


  • Farkel


    : It's over.

    It's never over. Get used to it. Coping with that fact is difficult, but not impossible, but it is NEVER over. If ever there were demons, then the WTS has them ALL. It's NEVER over, Craig. It is a lifelong process of hate, forgiveness, anger, more hate, sadness, disappointment, some more sadness, regrets, more forgiveness (mostly for ourselves) and lots of stuff like that.

    If you deny this, you will never be able to heal. If you don't deny this, you will always be in the grip of the WTS. It NEVER ends. They are in the business of ruining lives and they have mastered how to do it, and still keep the cash coming in.\

    Want to hear some Rachmaninoff? He never ruined any lives. He just made great music. People loved him and his music and people STILL love him and his music. He never prophesied. He never took any money from people claiming that he knew GOD's will(tm). He just made music. And the people loved it, and no one got hurt. And no one sold their homes and gave up their careers to follow him.

    Therefore, he MUST be demonized(tm). Good people="demonized". Watchtower leaders (who are NOT good people) <> demonized.

    I have a headache. Good is bad, and bad is good. I have a MAJOR headache.


  • nowisee


    i am sure there is truth in what you said. it is pathetically sad and i can only feel pity for the r & f sincere jw -- and i am sure there are some. others, i believe, are interested in preserving their prestige and positions. i feel less pity for them.

  • Gopher
    perhaps when we have absolutely clear and definitive answers is when their influence will cease. do you think that will ever happen?

    I don't expect to get "definitive answers" to all life's questions in this life. All I know is that I'm here for a while, and I can do some good things and get some measure of enjoyment while trying to leave the world a slightly better place.

    People who never were JW's don't have definitive answers either, though some have FAITH (and are all to glad to tell you) that their answers are right.

    In any case, the influence of the JW's is not in their doctrinal reasoning (at least not for me, I see it's all man-made ideas manufactured to keep their religion going), but just like Danny said -- that we have family actively involved who continue to shun us. It isn't that we feel that they're right, it's just the frustration of being unable to get through to them in any intellectual and emotional way, because of the spiritual prison in which they are confined. They're afraid that treating us like decent human beings will result in their own death at Armageddon.

    This is obviously not a teaching from any loving Creator, but from a wickedly controlling organization.

    The other frustration is that so much of our previous life was lost, and it put some of us decades behind in reaching our life's goals. Nothing can be done about that now, except going forward best as we can -- like Joelbear who posted today about his college graduation (about 25 years later than it should have been, but still he's enjoying his prospects now).

  • Euphemism

    Get up, come on, get down with the sickness

    Here's to your anger, Craig. You're plenty entitled to it. May venting it serve you well.

  • Mac

    You can most certainly get over it...trust me!


  • onacruse


    It's never over. Get used to it.

    I hate you for saying that...

    and I love you for saying that.

  • Carmel

    Craige, get your butt behind the wheel and bring BC out to the coast for a day. A barby in the back yard and some laughs will do ya good! The welcome matt it always out...


  • Farkel


    I said:

    :: It's never over. Get used to it.

    You said:

    : I hate you for saying that...

    : and I love you for saying that.

    Of course. Our former life sucks.

    Now, would you like to hear some nice Rachmaninoff? He made music and INSPIRED people, and he never promised them nothin'. I'll take Rachmaninoff over WTS leaders any day of any week.


  • searcher
    searcher: You chose your avatar wisely. You are "searching," for something that you can never understand.


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