Is it possible for a sociopath to change? It is with Jehovah's spirit. Or?

by avengers 47 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • XQsThaiPoes

    1. Glibness/superficial charm T
    2. Grandiose sense of self-worth T
    3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom T
    4. Pathological lying T
    5. Conning/manipulative T
    6. Lack of remorse or guilt T
    7. Shallow affect T
    8. Callous/lack of empathy T
    9. Parasitic lifestyle T
    10. Poor behavioural controls T
    11. Promiscuous sexual behaviour F
    12. Early behaviour problems F
    13. Lack of realistic, long-term plans T
    14. Impulsivity T
    15. Irresponsibility T
    16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions T
    17. Many short-term relationships T
    18. Juvenile delinquency F
    19. Revocation of conditional release F
    20. Criminal versatility F

    Doesn't everyone have these traits if they don't have a criminal record?

    I aint rating my self numerically cuz I don't wana be stereotyped.

    The function sociopaths have Morals, but they are from osmosis. They are other peoples morals. You use them to make friends. Friends to server your needs about feeling good about your self or allowing you to acomplish your goals. Also sociopaths are not stupid they don't know it is wrong but know they can be punished and loose their friends and ego booth becaue only stupid inferior or unlucky people get caught the aler ego of most sociopaths. This makes it wrong only if you are caught so a large portions of their lives are trying not to get caught or find a sociopath support group ie an institution with a T shaped or piramid structure so that they can exploit each other in harmony. Becaue non sociopaths really do take it personal.

    At the end of the day nothing is wrong with sociopaths it is just their brains are based more on survival and self propagation than community. They are third person societies comprise of me, myself, and I all yous, thems, and theys need not apply.

  • gumby

    Did Peter ever learn to quit being so outspoken when he recieved holy spirit? Did thomas quit being so doubtful? Major personality flaws don't seem to vanish with holy spirit.....that's why christian "dry alcoholics" still are alcoholics, and christian sex offenders can never be fully trusted.Some things DON'T change......period!

    As for holy spirit curing ailments.....there sure are a lot of ministers/pastors who wear glasses


  • gespro

    Great discussion!

    In the next 5 to 10 years you're going to see alot more of the medical population talk about and utilize PTSD and childhood trauma as being the root of many a disorder including sociopathology.

    Avengers nailed it with a real example!

  • talesin
    I aint rating my self numerically cuz I don't wana be stereotyped.


    Already true, there is a lot of recognition of these issues in the psychiatric/psychological field. I know that pretty much all of my problems stem from childhood trauma.

    Due to lots of hard work on my part, and a lot of help from caring, loving worldly people, I am recovering. I've learned it is possible to actually love life instead of wanting to be dead.


  • xenawarrior


    Doesn't everyone have these traits if they don't have a criminal record?

    Not to ANYWHERE the degree a sociopath does.

    At the end of the day nothing is wrong with sociopaths it is just their brains are based more on survival and self propagation than community .

    At the end of the day tell that to someone who has been abused by one; mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually, financially or all of the above. It's not such a "ho hum" sort of thing.



    Not necessarily. When faced with a problem, "functioning" sociopaths go into survival mode and up the ante. They will say whatever, do whatever they need to to get out of whatever problem or challenge that faces them or is the natural consequence of their own behavior. The lies they'll tell and the stories they will fabricate when cornered are amazing. Or they'll create a drama so that people are feeling sorry for them instead of holding them accountable for their actions.


    (Please note that Dr. Hare does not advise that the layman use this checklist for "diagnosing" friends and family; this checklist,

    If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck..............


  • lauralisa

    sociopaths murder people.... slowly, surely.

    Without 'antidotes', i.e. people who actually give one tenth of a fuck, and who will expend themselves at great expense while at the same time opening themselves up to ridicule, lawsuits and vitriole from the public at large, most of those who survive a sociopath's aftermath are dead, or want to be dead.

    How nice for all of you who do NOT understand this crap. If that is your case, enjoy. Stop speaking to it, because you sound like fools and make things worse. If you want to understand it, get in the trench. You'll earn your understanding the hard way. It will drive you to the edge. THEN you can speak to it. The careless remarks I've read here make me sick. When humanity gets a clue about what what to invest in, I'll be so happy. If I'm still alive to see it.

  • ohiocowboy

    So, in other words, with all the above comments and definitions of Sociopath, should not the title of the thread be:

    Is it possible for the WBTS to change???

    Methinks they are the biggest bunch of Megalomaniacal Sociopaths around!!!

  • avengers


    How nice for all of you who do NOT understand this crap. If that is your case, enjoy. Stop speaking to it, because you sound like fools and make things worse. If you want to understand it, get in the trench. You'll earn your understanding the hard way. It will drive you to the edge. THEN you can speak to it. The careless remarks I've read here make me sick. When humanity gets a clue about what what to invest in, I'll be so happy. If I'm still alive to see it.

    Which careless remarks? I've said things too which are careless. Please elaborate. I see that you know what you're talking about.

    To tell you the truth I was not interested in getting knowledge about sociopaths, or psychology or psychiatry or the likes of it.
    I don't think I have a choice in the matter now though. If I don't get the right knowledge about this I can go to the poor house because this guy who's staying at my place at this moment will trash everything. I can kick him out, but this would mean he will be out of my sight not knowing when he will strike. I've been thinking of going to the police, but that's dangerous because he'll know who went. So I have to use all the witts I have. It's not nice, but I might have it under control. If not, I'm dead.

    In the beginning of this thread I used expressions like: "Thanks WT for helping create such less than animal creatures".
    I realize now that nobody creates them. It's better to say to the WT: "Stop creating an atmosphere where sociopaths, pedophiles and the likes can thrive". The WT has to re-evaluate their priorities if they really want to protect the "brothers and sisters". In the past the issue of the pedophiles came up. It's probably only the top of the iceberg.

    Mr. Hare studies the cases that have been caught, I have a live one on the hook.
    Maybe Mr. Hare could visit a few meetings and give us an idea of how sociopathy is an itegral part of this religion.
    Anyway I have a much better insight on this subject thank to all of you on this forum.
    Please continue your input.


    In the next 5 to 10 years you're going to see alot more of the medical population talk abouIt and utilize PTSD and childhood trauma as being the root of many a disorder including sociopathology.

    From what I've learned these past few weeks is that sociopathy or if you want to call it psychopathy is caused by an chemical imbalance
    in the brain. Many people have had childhood traumas. Take war-children for instance. How many of them turn out to be sociopaths?
    If you have any evidence to back what you say; " childhood trauma as being the root of many a disorder including sociopathology. "I sure would like to know this. Thanks in advance.

    The reason I'm really getting into this subject is so that I know how to act in front of a sociopath and how to treat this person and how to protect myself and the ones I care about.
    I don't think he can be cured, but only managed. How do you manage? That's why I need your input.

    Thanks for being there in these hard times..........Andy

    Excuse Typos.

    Doesn't everyone have these traits if they don't have a criminal record?
    I don't think so. Take point nr. 4 for instance. or 9 or 5.
    The function sociopaths have Morals, but they are from osmosis.

    Please elaborate on that. I know what osmosis is, but fail to see the connection here.. ps. I don think they have any morals.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I was saying they aborb the morals of the people around them, but have none of their own. Hence the tendancy to go rogue when they fall into a bad crowd. Most people would know when they cross their line. Sociopaths use other peoples lines. It is not like sociopaths don't have "friends" to use a a Jimminy Cricket (actually that is sorta a story of a sociopath so pinochio is a great sterotype of a sociopath that is forced to play good but then actually becomes good), It is just they use them for self gratification and preservation.

    If you notice JWs ask the elders for guidence for unusually simple moral delimas quite often. If the alpha male of the group does not give them explict directions some become very disgrunteled. So the RF may be a melting pot for various antisocial behaviors that allows them to normalize. A self help group for people that are trying to treat a problem they don't think they have.

  • talesin


    So, you think you can turn this discussion into one about JWs? I think not.


    caused by an chemical imbalance
    in the brain. Many people have had childhood traumas

    Thanks for emphasizing that. Yes, many problems are caused by trauma. BUT Now that you pointed that out, I realize how 'off' my comments on that aspect were.

    Many sociopaths (I'm thinking particularly of serial murderers, these cases have been widely studied/ reported), displayed some of the pathology in early childhood. Such as, torture of animals, eg. family pets.

    Management? Vigilantly watching them seems to be the only possible choice/solution.


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