Just wondering what sorts of things give you the "spiritual high" that you may have previously gotten from JW. Another form of religion (within Christianity or some other religion)? Meditation? Service to others? A philosophical stance? Paganism? Dropping all beliefs in anything? Or has nothing replaced the high you felt (spiritually speaking, that is) and you are more focused on "mundane" pleasures?
What gives you your spiritual high now?
by poppers 30 Replies latest jw friends
Remembering the days when I taught my children about Jehovah when they were just toddlers, and they loved learning about Jehovah. I felt so whole then.
Praying helps me, knowing Jehovah knows how to help me find him again and he will.
Well you know (?) (if you don't ... never mind)
Nothing I am numb spiritually right now.
Sassy - I am so sorry that is your experience now. I hope that you can discover the spiritual in the ordinary and see that it isn't necessary to rely on anything outside you to get the "high" back.
District Overbeer
Plucking poor, innocent, defensless, god's creatures from their natural habitat while wearing really big pants gives you your high?
new light
Jehovah knows how to help me find him again and he will
Seems you think you found him with the JWs or maybe somewhere else. Why not try where you found him the first time, since you found him there?