You mean I became a JW and did not get my complementary manic Japanese wife what a rip off!
BTW was his name Douge?
On the watchtowers stance it has gotten weird. The brothers can only marry you in the KH if you are awaiting baptizm. Also if the person is a "christian" they still can't say anything in theory. If they are non-christian then the bros can beat their chest, but I still don't think they can do anything to you. Anyway I think logistics is making the WTS pipe don't and just discourage this. Because many JWs are getting married then coming back with mate in tow.
w01 5/15 pp. 20-21 Divine Guidance for Selecting a Marriage Mate *** ?Marry
Only in the Lord? 16
Jehovah?s direction for Christians is very clear: ?Marry only in the Lord.? (1 Corinthians 7:39) Christian parents and their children may be tested in this regard. How so? Young people may wish to get married, but
available partners may be lacking within the congregation. At least that is how it seems. There
may be fewer available men than women in a certain locality, or there may be no one deemed suitable in the area. A young man who is not a dedicated member of the congregation may show interest in a young Christian woman (or vice versa), and there is pressure to compromise on the standards that Jehovah has set. Under such circumstances, it would be good to reflect on the example of Abraham. One way that he maintained his fine relationship with God was by seeing to it that his son Isaac married a true worshiper of Jehovah. Isaac did the same in the case of his son Jacob. This took effort by all involved, but it pleased God and resulted in his blessing.?Genesis 28:1-4.
In a few cases, the unbeliever eventually became a Christian. However, marriages to unbelievers have often proved disastrous. Those unevenly yoked do not share the same beliefs, standards, or goals. (2 Corinthians 6:14) This
can have a detrimental effect on communication and on marital happiness. For instance, one Christian woman greatly bemoaned the fact that after an upbuilding meeting, she could not go home and discuss spiritual things with her unbelieving mate. More important, of course, ?marrying in the Lord? is a matter of loyalty to Jehovah. When we comply with God?s Word, our hearts do not condemn us, for we are doing what is "pleasing in his eyes."?1 John 3:21, 22.
When marriage is considered, the virtue and spirituality of the prospective mate
should be of primary concern. A Christian personality, along with love for God and whole-souled devotion to him, is of far greater value than physical attractiveness. Divine approval is enjoyed by those who appreciate and fulfill their obligation to be spiritually strong marriage partners. And the greatest strength a couple can achieve comes from mutual devotion to the Creator and full acceptance of his guidance. In this way Jehovah is honored, and the marriage begins on a solid spiritual footing that will contribute to an enduring union.