Ozzie's Weekend Poll #95 (very literary!)

by ozziepost 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    So what's doing at your place this weekend? We were hoping to meet up with beaker but we've had to put it back a week or two, so we just enjoyed the afternoon sunshine in the backyard, sipping shiraz.

    We were sitting there reading really deep stuff (the Sunday papers!!) and we got to thinking, what did we used to read? How has it changed? and we figured we'd better ask the worldwide association of posters!

    So, here it is, this weekend's poll question is: (drum roll)

    How has your choice of reading material changed?

    1. It hasn't!

    2. What reading material?

    3. I'm a Watchtower and Awake! subscriber!!!

    4. Don't read the Watchtower and Awake! anymore.

    5. Read a broad range of philosophies.

    6. Just read "Good Housekeeping".

    7. Just read things like Cosmopolitan now.

    8. "National Geographic"s still my favorite.

    9. Used to read the "Awake!" and "Readers Digest"; now read just the RD.

    10. Have more time to read a broad range of interests.

    11. Don't read the WTS publications but stick to religious books.

    12. Now prefer current affairs like "Time", "Newsweek", "US News & World Report".

    13. JWD is all the reading I can manage.

    14. I don't read now.

    15. Other (please detail)

    So there you are; do you reckon any of this fits you? Let us know.


    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Kenneson

    10. Broad range of interests, including history, religion, gardening, genealogy, etc.

  • blondie

    How has your choice of reading material changed?

    1. It hasn't! (I read less WTS publicatoins, just the WT Study articles)

    2. What reading material? (the only way I wouldn't rea d is if I were dead)

    3. I'm a Watchtower and Awake! subscriber!!! (hahah, sorry I'm don't live that far out in the boonies)

    4. Don't read the Watchtower and Awake! anymore. (See #1)

    5. Read a broad range of philosophies. (This is true before my fader days)

    6. Just read "Good Housekeeping". (I read Better Homes & Garden, Family Circle, Woman's Day, Consumer Reports, and a couple of travel magazines.

    7. Just read things like Cosmopolitan now. (Nope)

    8. "National Geographic"s still my favorite. (at the dentist/doctor's offices)

    9. Used to read the "Awake!" and "Readers Digest"; now read just the RD. (at the dentist/doctor's

    10. Have more time to read a broad range of interests. (actually it is hard, all the "apostate" lit I have been reading; if a see a book recommended on JWD, I jot it down on my list to get and read)

    11. Don't read the WTS publications but stick to religious books. (other than the Bible?)

    12. Now prefer current affairs like "Time", "Newsweek", "US News & World Report". (I do subscribe to Newsweek, I got a deal. I like most of my news in the printed form.)

    13. JWD is all the reading I can manage. (it is hard to catch up if you miss a couple of days)

    14. I don't read now. (we all read even if it is only the cereal box and street signs; unless we can't read at all)

    15. Other (please detail) I was always a voracious reader even as a JW. Fortunately I read quite quickly and comprehend fairly easily although older age is slowing me down. My reading of older WTS publications contributed greatly to my change in thinking about the "holy spirit" guiding the WTS. I was on another DB and was shocked to see how little JWs know of their own history and how it sets them up for embarrassing statements. It is sad to think that a non-JW or an ex-JW knows more about the WTS than a "good" dub)

    Blondie (Sunday newspaper beckons)

  • Joyzabel

    *waving @ Ozzie & Mrs. Ozzie* Hope you are enjoying your shiraz!


    5. Love reading more than ever. Can't seem to run out of what to read next.

    6. hehe, always read "Good Housekeeping" when a Jdub, now I rarely read it.

    7. *sigh* I read Cosmo as a Jdub, too. Had to keep up with what was current. *giggles*

    9. RD is my mainstay for "people interest" stories.

    10. (see #5)

    12. Still keep one of those journals in the house, always had.

    13. was me for the last 2 years. (hehe, well.....) now I just come to catch up on gossip.

    15. Taking classes with the Coast Guard Auxillary ,Safe Boating, Sailing, Weather, Navigational, Searach & Rescue, etc, so quite busy there.

    I look back at what my live was like, or what I can't imagaine I used to do and wonder how I got any reading done at all.


  • Larry

    10. Have more time to read a broad range of interests.

  • talesin

    1. It hasn't! I used to 'sneak' books under the covers and read w/ a flashlight as a kid.

    4. Don't read the Watchtower and Awake! anymore. This was true, but now I usually read Blondie's weekly Watchtower review.

    5. Read a broad range of philosophies. Yep

    6. Just read "Good Housekeeping". Never!

    7. Just read things like Cosmopolitan now. Never!

    8. "National Geographic"s still my favorite. Have a collection. :)

    13. JWD is all the reading I can manage. Guilty at times!

    15. Other (please detail) I haven't read any WTS stuff for over 20 years till posting here. I have a stack of old tracts, have been browsing through them a bit lately just for shock value. Normally I read lots of fiction, memoirs, and a variety of public affairs mags.

    Thanks Ozzie, I love to read! I really enjoyed this poll, looking forward to seeing other's responses.


  • ozziepost


    Thx, I'm looking forward to reading them too.

    Ozzie (of the downunder it's Monday am class)

  • Mulan

    5. Read a broad range of philosophies.

    10. Have more time to read a broad range of interests.

    13. JWD is all the reading I can manage. (not really, but I do read it quite a bit)

    15. Other (I read lots of novels and some non fiction books that aren't philosphy...........right now I'm reading Founding Mothers, The Women Who Raised Our Nation, by Cokie Roberts. One of my ancestors is featured in the book, (Mercy Otis Warren) which is why I bought it)

    I also like to read People magazine when I get a chance, but I seldom buy one of them. We get National Geographic and Reader's Digest in the mail.

  • gumby
    15. Other (please detail)

    I've only read clear through 4 books since exiting. 2 were R.Franz books. I bought many others but mostly for reference but didn't ever read them cover to cover. If I want to find out something....it can usually be found on the net. I'm a cheap bastard!

    Glad your enjoying the weather OZ.....I think it's nice all over the globe right now!


  • Xena

    No it hasn't changed much...now I just don't have to hide my books

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