G'day all,
So what's doing at your place this weekend? We were hoping to meet up with beaker but we've had to put it back a week or two, so we just enjoyed the afternoon sunshine in the backyard, sipping shiraz.
We were sitting there reading really deep stuff (the Sunday papers!!) and we got to thinking, what did we used to read? How has it changed? and we figured we'd better ask the worldwide association of posters!
So, here it is, this weekend's poll question is: (drum roll)
How has your choice of reading material changed?
1. It hasn't!
2. What reading material?
3. I'm a Watchtower and Awake! subscriber!!!
4. Don't read the Watchtower and Awake! anymore.
5. Read a broad range of philosophies.
6. Just read "Good Housekeeping".
7. Just read things like Cosmopolitan now.
8. "National Geographic"s still my favorite.
9. Used to read the "Awake!" and "Readers Digest"; now read just the RD.
10. Have more time to read a broad range of interests.
11. Don't read the WTS publications but stick to religious books.
12. Now prefer current affairs like "Time", "Newsweek", "US News & World Report".
13. JWD is all the reading I can manage.
14. I don't read now.
15. Other (please detail)
So there you are; do you reckon any of this fits you? Let us know.
Cheers, Ozzie