*** g94 11/8 20 Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin? ***
Masturbation is an unclean habit. (2 Corinthians 7:1) However, the Bible does not class it with serious sins such as fornication. In fact, it does not mention it at all. Therefore, a lapse into masturbation would hardly be unforgivable.
So someone, please, tell me how something the Bible doesn't even mention is worthy of article after article, talk after talk, demonstration after demonstration?
And how is it, that the average JDub can read the above paragraph and not ask themselves, "Then what the hell is the WBTS discussing it for?"
I remember the Youth book, and the illustration of the door, and at the age of 11-12 I clearly remember disagreeing with what my parents were telling us about masturbation.
But I would have never disagreed with it, like any good JW kid.
Have *YOU* committed a sin that isn't even mentioned in the Bible?
"Forgive me father, for I have sinned" class