What if I move out to Cali?

by Aztec 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    OMG! The cost of living there is ridiculous! Gas here is just as bad though.

    Sassy, I've lived in the ghetto. I didn't mind it. I don't mind commuting. I get to catch up on Tom Leykis. LOL!

    Chevy's, that actually sounds ideal except for the cost of living. We have decent Mexican food here too but it's not nearly spicy enough.

    Sirius, I will never and I do mean never become a Shark fan.

    If you are in technology or biotech, the bay area is the best place to be in the world. In you are in movies, music, acting or porn then LA is the best place in the world to be.

    Does technology mean 'able to turn on a computer'? Beyond that I'm clueless. I'm into music (I play violin) but porn is a little on the spooky side for me. As much as my dad bugs me I couldn't do that to him plus, my boobs are real....LOL! Thanks for the link!


  • ApagaLaLuz

    Xena has a good point. When I was working and had Spencer in Day Care. (something I personally am not a fan of)

    I was paying $600 a month in child care. I couldve bought another car for that. Though California does offer some great programs to help with the cost of daycare. I didnt find that out till he was already of school age.

  • stillajwexelder

    California is a wonderful state and if it were a country it would be the fifth richest in the world - because its economy is so strong

  • Aztec

    Good point Xena. My parents are very good with my son when they aren't trying to take him to meetings. I was thinking of bringing my brother with me if I decide to do it. Another option is Arizona where I have family. I'm going to see how this week goes and then decide next weekend if I want to stay here in Michigan or not.


  • sunshineToo

    I love California. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I think this is the best area in the world. I know things are expensive, but if you don't have any decent job, any place is going to be expensive to you.

    Yeah, we could have big earthquakes, but not every year.

  • sunshineToo

    $600 for a daycare? That's not too bad. When was that? My sister-in-law in suburb or Kansas City, MO was paying $800.

    I know. Here is the Bay Area the housing price is quite high. So I guess that makes CA expensive overall.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Sunshine..... this was about 3 years ago, and it was through a sister in the congregation who gave me a discount because of my parents. (you know, the "bro" deal) bear in mind, that's for ONE kid, and I was single with rent, a car payment and no Government assistance.

  • Carmel

    You'll learn to hate the Huskies, Cougars, Ducks and Beavers as they all will stomp your Trojans, Bears and Cardinals into the turf...

    carmel of the tough guy crowd today

  • Aztec
    Trojans, Bears and Cardinals into the turf...

    Who are they? Even if I lived in Cali I wouldn't root for Cali teams. Especially hockey! My Red Wings are all a girl could ever need. Maybe I should just move to Ohio...


  • Farkel

    : What will happen?

    You will quickly find out that hardly ANYONE calls it "Cali." I've lived in California most of my life, and can't recall anyone who lives here using that term. You will also find out it is considered an insult to San Franciscans to call their city "Frisco."

    It's a beautiful state, and if you can tolerate the wacko politics and high prices, you will love it. I spent most of my life in San Diego (not "Diego!"), but now live in Northern California. Within about a two hour radius from where I live, one can be in San Francisco, Reno, Ski Resorts, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, the Redwood/Sequoia Forests, NAPA, Lake Shasta, and Lassein Volcanic Park. Even though I live in the Sacramento area, and it IS Northern California, it doesn't snow here in the winter and rarely even freezes.


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