Ladies and Gentlemen ....... Diana Krall!! (a concert, and a reunion)

by talesin 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera

    Glad you had some fun Talesin!

    I'll give yah a call soon! Feeling better now.

  • reboot

    (((((Talesin))))) sounds wonderful- Ilove it when unexpected things like that she the woman who sang the 'In the arms of the angels' track/ ? that tears me up everytime-i think it was written when her husband died-someone at college made a video art piece with that as a sound track it was incredible with the footage...glad you had fun

  • xenawarrior

    Wow Tale!!! Lucky you !!! I love Diana !! "Only Trust Your Heart" !!! Such a sultry voice. I'm glad you had a good time and got out with some friends. It's great to see shows like this !!

    Makena- I'm so jealous- I love Acoustic Alchemy !! Have lots of their stuff !! One of my favorite songs of theirs is "Arc En Ciel" If you like that genre and the guitar works and aren't already familiar - check out Billy McLaughlin. Or anything of Craig Chaquico's- especially the stuff he does with Russ Freeman. And if you haven't seen them already, you'll love The Robert Cray Band.

    Love these music threads and seeing folks get out to see the bands !!!!!!!!!


  • talesin


    Well, to each his own ...


    Yes, it's good to see yet another Canadian songstress hit the big time. (BTW, she has roots )


    I'm happy you're feeling better. Yes, gimme a ring!


    Hmmmm, I'm not sure to tell the truth. She didn't sing it at the concert ... it's her first marriage, though. Yes, I was sitting around here, and an hour later, was on my way to the venue, with my old buddy. *sigh* The unexpected pleasures of life are so good.


    Yeah, it's good to share music. I always learn new stuff from folks' comments and favorites. It was great to get out to a concert again ... it's been far too long!

    And speaking of that,, I'm sorry Mak! I didn't realize that was the name of the band (Acoustic Alchemy), I thought it was a concert name. DOH I'll have to check them out. Thanks,,, another new-to-me artist is always welcome to this music lover.


  • hillary_step


    Well, to each his own ...

    lol...I guess so. For the record imho Ms. Krall is an excellent pianist, an adequate Jazz vocal, and a mediocre songwriter. She has been sensible enough to follow the advice of her very expensive marketing team and generally sticks to Jazz cover numbers and this has appealed to a new set of young Jazzers whose knowledge of the genre is perhaps limited to its fringes. She is a very smart businesswoman, as Harry ( Pulp ) Connick is a businessman and these days in music, this is often a bigger part of success than talent.

    Now that she has teamed up with Costello who can write a decent song, I think that she will be producing far more interesting work in the future. She may of course fade away after a few years like many others before her, unlike her heroine Joni Mitchell who is still paving paths of creativity and will be until she drops.

    Check out Karin Krog, Norma Winstone, Julie Tippetts and of course the irreplacable Blossom Dearie, whose voices have inspired younger and perhaps better known singers and will never pass with fashion.

    Best regards - HS

  • talesin


    What you said about music these days is sadly, too true. It's why artists like Rita McNeil are such an anomaly (she's not in my fav genre, but an awesome talent nonetheless, imho).

    Thanks for the heads up on the singers, have made a note, will check them out. Norma Winstone is ringing a bell.


    Edit,,, and what you say of Krall, could be true. I just am blown away by live music, her joy in it is infectious, and yes, the womyn can tickle that keyboard!

  • Special K
    Special K

    Good for you talesin...

    nothing like unexpected good company .. and sharing a Diana Krall concert.. Well that is just icing.

    I love her voice.

    Saw her interview along with her husband about a month ago on CanadianT.V. .. but I just can't remember the T.V. show. That Canadian interviewer, female, dark rimmed glasses, dark brown hair..starting to look quite overweight. .. (just thinkin outloud)..brain fart..can't remember her name.

    The only problem with the interview was that Elvis did almost 90 per cent of the talking when I really wanted to hear Diana.

    Glad you had a fun time talesin


    Special K

  • talesin

    Exactly, Special K

    Well that is just icing

    It was a good concert, but seeing my bud was 'the main event'.

    Yeah, that was on "Vicky" Gabereau. I saw it, too. Diana was too quiet, you're right. She was mostly just gazing at him. Perhaps it's one of those mentor/pupil relationships? There's quite an age gap there as well. He seems to be having a good influence on her music, though.

    OMG, too much internet today! I'm almost out of posts.


  • jazzprincess


    I have just come across this message and found that you were talking about Diana Krall. I just wanted to tell you that you can check her fan site at this address:

    I'm sorry, I know I'm writing a kind of spam message but I thought that some of you, who are Diana Krall fans, might be interested in it.

    Best regards,

    RĂ©mi Rivrie webmaster


    Forgive my bad english, I'm french.

  • bikerchic


    Sorry I saw this thread just today and I just had to say how cool it is that not only you saw an old friend thats always great, but to see a concert too how awesome!

    I have only one of Diana Krall's CD's (The Look of Love) a friend of mine insisted I listen to her, lol. I didn't know she's married to Elvis Costello, I've been a fan of his before he was considered cool, lol.

    We recently went to a John Mayhall concert, it was awesome! I kept thinking, wow this man has played with the greats of my era I was awed. Also got one of his CD's and he signed it for us!! I got his autograph for my son too! The Jazz Festival will be here soon, can't wait!!


    In a few days I should be getting a CD from my son's band, I would love for you to hear it if you are interested. They have been recording this CD for a few months now and have a producer who really wants to get them "out there", long story but let me know and we'll work something out eh?


    Welcome! No problem with the link, I'll check it out. Don't be a stranger here if XJW issues are something that have an effect on you check this forum out.


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