the jesus test
by Sirius Dogma 18 Replies latest social humour
I'm gonna get in quicker with this one, unlike last time.
Sorry dude, but I find it offensive...
I thought it was quite cute....but yeah, I can see how it would be offensive to Christians.
Sirius Dogma
Sorry to hear that.
. . . sort of like a white guy telling a racist joke to a room full of blacks. It goes over like a led balloon.
I made a wish and used all the forms of persuasion, but, stll my wish did not come true. I demand a refund!!!
Sorry i am a Christian but that was a bloody good laugh ... i can see the funny side and it didnt offend me.
All I could think of to wish for was that his underpants would quit falling down.
Maybe I should explain the source of the offense.
I don't take issue with folks railing against "God", the "Bible", or "Religion".
I can also understand exJW's taking particular umbrage at the "Jehovah's Witness" movement, and especially the made-up name "Jehovah", since it was in those names that so many of us have, do, and will yet suffer (these things don't offend me, though they might someone else).In connection to assailing "Jesus", though, I first of all wonder what he ever did against you?
As JW's we didn't really consider him all that much, and the only extent to which he would have been detrimental to our health would have been as a tool in "Jehovah's" hands to effect the big "A".In contrast to the Old Testament, the New Testament "Jesus" puts a loving face on "God", that cuts through a swathe of ancient conceptions of a blood-thirsty deity.
As I have so often said, my concept of a Christian is someone who has at some point accepted Jesus as a personal friend, and whilst I would make no attempt to judge someone's profession of title that appeared to miss that ingredient, it appears to me to be the lowest common denominator that cuts through the sectarianism.
Hence, the original site invites idividuals to cast additional personal scorn on someone who is very dear to me.
I feel as strongly about it as you no doubt would if a stranger (without provocation) slapped your child, spouse, parents, or other loved one.
(Far less struck them with lightning, stoned them, electrocuted them, or poured acid on them).He thought little of the shame of all these things, including humiliation and ridicule (likely naked, though I personally feel that being made to wear Y-fronts might have been a close second). I can all but hear him whispering in my ear - "I've already borne reproach far worse than this", but can't help but be reminded of what has been done for me (and possibly you, but that choice isn't mine)!!
So I leave you with that thought. You do nothing worse to my friend than has already been done, yet you affect and offend me by the afront.
Just my 2p. Do as you see fit...
I can see where some might find it funny, I for one didn't.