Can you imagine certain ones making it out of the religion, somehow, sometime??
Do You Think Your Family & Friends Will Ever Get Out Of The Religion??
by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends
I did it ... why not some of them?
If I can be out, aaaaaaaaaaaanybody can leave. Let it happen on its own.
I did it ... why not some of them?
mineralogist, just what I was thinking before I brought up the response. Blondie
I hope anyway
Obviously Secret
I hope each member of my family will get out, and all the other JWs I've seen through my life. But some seriously, I doubt they will ever lean on getting out most of the time. Sad. Oh well. When a JW is older in age it gets really hard to stay in. Hopefully everybody will leave.
got my forty homey?
I know over the years my father and mother have slowed down a whole lot in attendance of meetings and going in field service, however they still speak strongly of how its the truth and there is nothing else, so I dont think they'll be leaving any time soon.
Yes, there are some that will get out. In some ways some of them are already out (inactive) but are deceiving themselves that it is still the true religion. In time I think that they will realize the things that I have already realized. I hope to help them in some way. But there are others who are in too deep and who really believe it. There is no reasoning, arguing or discussing it with them. They refuse to see anything other than what they are told by the WTS. With those family members it's best to keep any discussion of religion from coming up.
Older people almost never leave. Too scary......
Obviously Secret
Yeah they don't leave but they have a hard as hell time staying in it. so depressed.