msbea, Go to an aposta-fest !!!!
why does it have to be so hard
by msbea 25 Replies latest social relationships
msbea - I agree - it is very difficult to find a good woman - a good sister. I am looking. I was divorced a year ago and my ex wife is alrady remarried t my once best friend. Satan wants you to think that so you can find a man in the world. It's so easy to go that route. trust me I have been there and I have come back to Gods organization becasue there is NOTHING out there worth having. I spent a whole year looking. Now I am a good loking man, good job and a nice personality - i think - and all i met were stuck up and morally loose women. I know Jah was right when he saya to marry only in the lord - its the only thing that could work. Comments?
You mean like your first marriage?
Back to your own vomit my friend, back to your own vomit...
Oh yes, I did turn that one around quite nicely
RandomTask, good point! His ex-wife is in the truth, but she's also better than any worldly woman out there.
Something's not right.
hmmm mrsbea and greenwithenvy both newbies from Ohio born within 8 days of each other hmmm
hmmm mrsbea and greenwithenvy both newbies from Ohio born within 8 days of each other hmmm
And both looking for love. Hey, maybe they'll get together. Can you imagine them telling the elders where they first met?