
by onacruse 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel
    When "antimatter" comes into contact with "matter", they annihilate each other.

    : No, they don't.

    : Exactly as with evil and good.

    Sorry. They become no longer matter, but energy. According to Einstein nothing can be destroyed. Just transformed from energy to matter and vice verce.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Depends how you understand that "recall" business - you won't (and less and less), or can't ?

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Matter vs. antimatter


    Altruism vs. egotisim

    Altruism is an unselfish interest in helping someone else. It is a motivation that emphasizes the welfare of others while minimizing or ignoring the individual's own welfare. The concept has a long history in philosophical and ethical thought, and has more recently become a topic for psychologists, sociologists, evolutionary biologists, and ethologists.

    Romans 2:14 "Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,")This text is a biblical description of the,"godless barbarians".What is this 'law unto themselves'?It's what anthropologist( scientist who study human culture) call the (4) four universal taboos.They are: (1) The 'doctrine of self preservation',simply put wanting to stay alive.(2)Need for food and shelter.(3) Sex drive (procreation) (4) Incest taboo( you don't procreate with your blood kin, messes up the gene pool).

    All humans have these pre-programed instincts.No matter who/what/where you may be, you instinctively "know better" not to do naughty stuff.

    All lucid beings then,have a built in 'conscience' to know good from bad.EXCEPT: the psychopaths!

    Proverbs 10 7 The memory of the righteous will be a blessing,
    but the name ( or memory) of the wicked will rot.
    At this point in my JW recovery I am coming around to the acceptance that evil is somehow organized.This is intriguing,because if evil exist as an entity,then good and righteous must be the inverse.Two wrongs or negatives don't,make a right either.Just because I am still in faithless spiritual limbo doesn't make the Watchtower/JW's the truth.

    A God of goodness show yourself ! Am I made in God's image or did man make God in his image?Good Vs Evil

    I am happy at this stage to be an 'honorable humanitarian'.I have and will continue to,'give the shirt off by back to strangers'.I continue to conquer the evil with the good daily.

    God of goodness, where art thou??

  • Panda

    If you are searching for a compass for morality you would do well to bypass the Bible altogether. The Bible is so full of hate, misogyny, genocide, lying, murder (sanctioned by Jehovah)--- you name it and the good Book has it.

    So if you examine evil as a hypothetical constuct (such as our minds are hypothetical constructs), then it becomes more of a formula seeking the "sum" from the known elements rather than grabbing notions out of the ether. So what do we know about human behavior which we attribute to evil?

    Physically early humans committed what for our sensibilities would be considered evil in order to survive. Such things as leaving the wounded to die or beating an animal to death to eat it (protein for our bigger brains ). Tons more stuff. Stealing food, babies, women or (more recently) ideas. How many of us might consider hunting evil? But how is that evil? If you're Ted Nugent you believe it is important to hunt your own food rather than have someone else do your killing. If this is true (and it is for Ted) then are those guys in the kill rooms of slaughter houses evil? Of course that would also mean that rabbis who slaughter cattle or partake of slaughtering cattle or blessing slaughtering cattle are also evil... do any of us really want to go that far? IS any shedding of blood evil? Well of course not.

    Within our very diverse and noisy society we have certain rules. Not evil and good but Lawful and unlawful. Virtue and vice in society are born from a moral consensus; murder is wrong, violence is wrong, etc. BUT there are still issues w/o consensus such as abortion, the right to die, and homosexuality. Depending on who you ask; these will exemplify either evil or good whether or not they are legal or illegal. Thats where we get back to the hypothetical construct. There is no way to legistate the meaning of evil and make it unlawful, even though some evil is unlawful; other is not.

    We need to remember evil. Remember how we don't want things to happen again and again. When we don't remember it's called denial or maybe cognitive disonance. We need to recall that putting our hand into the fire hurts, burns, smells, and scars. If we are willing to claim ill effects then we will not forget, and do it again.

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